Mute voice guidance near home/work
Please have an option to mute the voice guidance in a radius of [X] distance from my home, and/or from work. Alerts should not be muted by this setting.
It's annoying that I have to listen to voice guidance near my home -- I know how to get from my house to the main road, thank you very much! But turning the voice off and on again during the drive (during every drive!) is a nuisance and a safety risk.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Sally Thompson commented
Voice commands are helpful when you are in unfamiliar territory but annoying when you reach your home neighborhood
Luke Parsons commented
Have been thinking about a feature like this for some time. What would be great is if you could place a pin on the map and specify a radius in miles/kilometres that would mute the voice guidance.
This way, when you travel to a place outside of the radii you will get the voice guidance but inside any of your radii, you will get none.
An option to have is to allow voice guidance when inside a radius, but only there is a significant event that occurs. For example, you could have a list of events that you would allow like "car stopped on road", "pothole ahead", "police reported ahead" and so on..
Sander Benders commented
Unable to upvote this request but I definitely support it!
R A commented
I completely agree with this, however – the problem that I’m experiencing specifically is that it tells me to continue straight 10 times before I actually need to take action (exiting the freeway). Just being able to disable “continue straight” steps would go along way to fixing this problem.
I personally have street names turned off so that Waze doesn’t talk very much. I do want directions for all actions I need to take, regardless of the distance to my destination. I just don’t want the unnecessary things that don’t require me to take action.
Also, these unnecessary “continue straight“ directions conceal the actual next action I need to take. I look at my phone occasionally to see how many miles until my turn, but more often than not, all I see is that I need to continue straight in 1 mile. It’s useless information.
BurkeIowa commented
Add an option to disable voice directions until you reach a certain point, presumably near the destination.
I don't like hearing that I should continue straight where it's obvious, and it interrupts radio, podcasts, etc. If I know most or all of the route, but am using Waze to provide info about objects in the road, police, speed warnings, etc., I'd still like to hear about those. If I deviate from the path (miss a turn), then it can chime in again. But if you know how to get 90% of the way to the destination, but only need directions in the final town, the last few miles, or when one gets off the major highway.
I will leave details to you, whether one:
* Selects from a map or list of directions where to start voice again
* Has some level of mute that one has to manually disable later (level, since one might want to silence all voice directions or just get alerts)
* The spot where one leaves the last major roadway
* If going between towns, the spot where one enters the last town
* Some other approach (the above are just ideas)
It should be quick and simple, but useful. -
Vik commented
When Waze is on when it is providing instructions or advising of something it will mute or dim any other app playing in the background. This becomes very annoying when driving and listening to a song on YouTube or Spotify or Soundcloud as I don't need the Waze voice to mute while giving directions. It can play as the regular volume. Think of it as someone giving directions beside you...they don't need to mute the song when telling you to turn left or right. Keep the sound at the regular volume or at least give me the option like you use to to dim or mute the sound of other apps.
Apps like YouTube, Amazon, Tidal, Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer and all other music, video, social media apps can apply.
At times a passenger can have the turn by turn instructions on while on their device playing songs. We don't need the music to mute, pause or dim while giving instructions. Give us that option back like we use to have.
Anonymous commented
When navigating to Home, once you get within 5 miles of home, have Waze say, “You’re almost home. Unless I have an alert I will discontinue voice navigation. To continue voice nav, press. Continue.”
Bridgete A. McAuley commented
Yes I came on here to suggest this. Also the reverse -- once you get off the highway on "your" exit, shut the voice nav off.
Richard Wood commented
Please consider adding an option that does the following:-
Suppress navigation instructions within a ‘x’ mile / kilometer radius of my ‘Home’.
Reasoning: You live there! It is extremely unlikely that you need any instructions on how to navigate out of / in to your local area / the immediate area around your house.
But it is desirable to set up Waze before you start your journey.
Therefore adding this option will allow me to setup Waze before I set off and not get nagged by instructions I know off by heart.
Anonymous commented
I like this idea. Mine is more for when navigating to some place you're not familiar, but you're generally familiar with the area. Have an option along the route to start receiving spoken navigation instructions - probably a good idea to start receiving them within a selected radius of the destination as OP suggested.
עידו מונזון commented
Yes, it’s must-to-have feature!
Please allow to able this also on saved (starred) locations. -
Phillip Dampier commented
Would like option to enter destination but don't need step by step driving instructions UNLESS an event causes Waze to recommend a reroute.
Guy commented
The current layout is a really odd configuration to me - Most of my journeys start / finish on roads that I know - I may want to keep an eye on Waze to know if there are problems on my normal route but want to be able to quickly and safely toggle the audio on / off.
Anonymous commented
I agree that when I am very close to home/work, the navigation should automatically shut off. For example, Waze continues to try to direct me after every turn while going up the 6 floors in my work's parking garage.
Anonymous commented
While traveling close to home, or in a known location, you many times know the route for close highway and some places you commonly commute, and the guides are just interrupting. It would be great if waze will detect commonly used routes (such as close highway and so on) and will just tell you go to them and after you there will guide you to the destination.
Alexandra commented
Yes, please! I need this feature.
elyasaf commented
An option to stop the audio (for changeable distance) before the arrival to your home or to your work will be nice ,because the route already known and in most cases there is no other way to navigate.
Alan Miroslaw commented
Mute voice prompts when I'm a certain radius driving to/from Home and Work. Once I'm within a mile, prompts are no longer necessary. Especially once the main route of freeway vs surface roads are completed.
Jim O'Connor commented
This. A user defined option of 1/2 mile or mile would probably be enough. My neighborhood has many turns to get in/out and is annoying. I know where I am. At minimum set it for home/work but favorites would be great as well.
VirtualAndrew commented
The beginning and end of my routes are often the same, I'd love for the ability to mute waze based on a radius of start and end destinations. If there's going to be a rerouting for some reason, maybe it would then override. (Idea from 5 years ago, not boding well...)