option to report a train crossing.
Train crossing/stopped etc....

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
Deirdre commented
In traffic, can we report trains moving at crossings? Crossings noted in map. Live near a port and trains can really impede traffic. Would be very helpful to know where trains are and when they were reported. Sometimes they stop completely. And some times they move backwards ☹️😜
Valerie Muffley commented
We really need a "train is stopped on the tracks blocking the road" option. Are y'all still working on that? Our community struggles with this issue when the train can be there for an hour at a time. If we knew prior to leaving the house, we could take an alternative route.
The Flying Dutchman commented
It's 2023 and I'd still like to see this feature added.
Abdul commented
Train at crossing info would be very helpful for rerouting or notice of delay
Melody Mendez commented
It would be helpful if we could report trains that are blocking the tracks. Sometimes this creates a significant delay that requires rerouting BEFORE we are stuck in that traffic.
Garrett Popovich commented
Waze currently has rail road crossing however, serval state DOT have asked to include live train GPS data into waze to allow for an “ train approaching “ warning this would ensure safety and help with the areas that have no train horn requirements.
Dawn Talley commented
I live in an area with A TON of railroad crossings and being able to report a stopped train would be an amazing feature to prevent me and many other wazers from being late!! Please add this reporting option! 😊
Kohag commented
It would be cool to see such an option. Until I saw no change in the waze, or maybe I hadn't ridden a car in a long time. I really use the train very often because I like to enjoy the journey to work and back. To look out the train window so melancholy and make plans for the future. That's so nice. I live in Germany and here traveling by train is an enormous pleasure. The train comes at the exact time; you have just to order tickets online from https://www.oebbfahrplan.com/de/
Nicholas Cullen commented
A way to tag train track crossing as blocked with cascade up/down track to route to an over or underpass
Anonymous commented
Please add a Train - Active and Train - Inactive option. Active means it is currently moving and Inactive means it is at a standstill. Or some variation of this. In our travel to work it makes a huge difference in time if we know which way to
go because of a train present. -
Guzzzzler commented
A good work around for now might be to enter a (standstill) traffic at that spot.
Anonymous commented
Create a button so that when you arrive at a railroad crossing and a train is crossing, you can alert other Wazers and they can go a different route instead of being stuck at the crossing like I was :)
Anonymous commented
I would like to see an alert for stopped trains blocking busy intersections.
Jennifer commented
Have a feature that lets you alert others a train is crossing and then change back when the train has passed. I’ve had several instances where being stuck by a train has caused MAJOR issues getting to school/work.
Anonymous commented
Ideally, when the warning signal starts and sometimes the blocking arms drop down, grab that signal with internet of things LoRa sensor. The road is closed. Then signal opens up and road is open.
Tyler commented
It should be possible for people to report if a train is currently on a railroad crossing and when the train has successfully passed. This would be very helpful for others to select a new route and not get stuck waiting for a train.
w commented
Let us know when there is a train crossing the railroad tracks. Make it an option for people to report. I live in a city with a ton of active tracks, I can lose 10+ min by the length of current trains, they are insanely long.
Brenda commented
The trick for closing adjacent crossings will be knowing which direction the train is traveling....
Andrew Fitt commented
The updated waze app now alerts to railroad crossings up ahead. What would be a another great feature to have is for it to alert when a freight train is currently passing thru the railroad crossing at that moment!
Anonymous commented
I like to be able to Report to Others when I am at a stand still while the Train is Moving.