Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!

Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Vitor Hugo commented
Sugestão: Notificar por voz quando houver aproximação de radar de velocidade em qualquer velocidade no momento.
Quando estamos em velocidade abaixo do permitido, somente mostra na rela o radar, mas notifica por voz, porém nessa distância até o radar existe a possibilidade de aumentar a velocidade e não ser percebida pela usuário o radar próximo. -
Raj commented
audible alert in the vicinity of speed camera.
I know waze does visual alert but what is the point of it without audible alert? hope waze is not expecting user to take their eyes off the road and keep staring at the screen for the visual clues, is it? -
Mohammed Ali commented
If you don't get notified and then your exceeding the speed limit by the time your close to the camera it doesn't then notified you - it doesn't say anything. If you could have the option to have it just be always enabled like in google maps, that would be brilliant.
V commented
Fixed speed cameras are only shown on the screen and the driver doesn't get an alert. This forces the drivers to look at the phone screen regularly by taking the eyes off the road. So, please activate voice warnings for fixed speed cameras too.
Eugenio Thomas commented
The alert for speed cameras (but also for traffic light cameras) should always be acoustic as well, and not only if the speed limit is exceeded.
Chris H commented
As others have written please add option to have audible alert for all speed cameras no matter of current speed (so not only in case of over limit but also when under the limit).
Joker commented
Speed Camera Alert should have voiced alert all the time regardless of current speed
It is of important of users to have alert regardless of the current speed as current speed meter might not be accurate all the time and visual of the map might not be possible all the time. It’s of important to have it as an option for users to know there is a speed camera upcoming no matter the current speed is
Please consider the suggestion of adding as an option. Hugely appreciate that.
Joker commented
Speed Alert should be appear all the time regardless of current speed.
It is of important of users to have alert regardless of the current speed as current speed meter might not be accurate all the time and visual of the map might not be possible all the time.
Please consider the suggestion of adding as an option. Hugely appreciate that.
Andy S. commented
In the UK, the the smart motorway camera are routinely set to 40mph (sometimes lower)but a camera alert isn’t given as the app has the speed limit at 70mph
If the speed camera limit was set to 0mph then it would give an alert at any speed
DJ TurntablesTillTheEnd commented
Got a violation on 400 BLK HARLEM LN SB, Catonsville MD 21228. Waze ONLY SHOWS THE North Bound Camera. THE SOUTH BOUND CAMERA IS NOT SHOWN ON WAZE, I paid a $40 camera speed ticket. IDIOTS WHO WANT TO TURN OFF THE NOTIFICATION SHOULD FIND ANOTHER APP!!!
DJ TurntablesTillTheEnd commented
using apple maps, much better that it notifies on every speed camera and red light camera. I'm dropping Waze due to this issue. I got a speed ticket from a camera that Waze did not show an alert or mapped.
Jagwant Grewal commented
Audio message for speed camera regardless of the speed you are travelling would allow you to check you are below the “variable” speed limit as an interim measure, until Waze becomes a real-time app
Greg commented
Waze chooses to not give audible speed camera alerts when the system *thinks* that the user is driving under the speed limit for that road. Since the advent of smart motorways in the UK where the speed limits can get lowered, please can there be a function where the Waze user gets the option to choose ‘always having audible speed camera alerts on whatever’ rather than when Waze thinks they are needed? This would be very beneficial. Thanks, Greg.
jean-jacques commented
OUI MOI AUSSI JE SUIS DE VOTRE AVIS , j'aimerais que les alertes soint tout le temps , mais c'est bien souvent le contraire qui se passe (malheureusement ) sur mon téléphone (ios ) je reçois de moins en moins d'alerte de dépassement , CE QUI EST UN TRES MAUVAIS PONT POUR WAZE EN FRANCE LA LOI D'AVERTISSEMENT DES RADARS VA SEVIR .................................................................. MAIS SI WAZE N'AVERTIT PAS BIEN A CHAQUE DEPASSEMENT , JE CROIS QUE BEAUCOUP DE GENS VONT ABANDONNER CETTE APPLICATION
mais ça marche pas bien ! jean-jacques du sud de la France -
Fernando Martín commented
Que avise de los radares siempre, aunque no superes la velocidad y aunque lleves waze en sonido solo alertas.
David Chiesa commented
This is to warn you to slow down as your speed gets close to the speed limit. Not to tell you to speed up because you are driving too slowly.
Anonymous commented
Please, can you add a switch with an option to warn on speed cameras to "ALWAYS" no matter the speed you are currently driving?
Anonymous commented
near a speed camera the voice should tell you at what speed you are traveling. Speed is not always visible on the stamp
David commented
I too would love to see an option for speed cameras "All Alerts" or "Alert only when above speed limit" I have been in a 60 mph limit where it drops to a 30 mph limit on a sharp bend, which means the camera isn't visible from a great distance. Given I am approaching from a 60MPH limit I would not receive an alert until the I entered the reduced area where the camera is, and by then it may be too late to slow down. On my Volvo Sensus app, I have alerts for all cameras and this definitely saved me on a couple of occasions where there was a camera immediately after the speed limit change.
LM commented
I would make the following suggestion for improvement: the speed camera should also be provided with an acoustic signal. Especially when you have the smartphone in standby mode. One does not always need the navigation, but the warning of speed cameras !Greetings