Add pause option for stops
Add pause option to client, that could be activated when stopping by at a gas station or other places, so that heavy traffic is not indicated. It could unpause automatically when the car start moving

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
kndcajun commented
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kndcajun commented
Yes. Great idea. There are many suggestions for this in the box
kndcajun commented
Yes! And there are a few different requests for the same feature in this suggestion box.
Laurent Edon commented
Bonjour, J'utilise très régulièrement Waze pour mon travail sur de longs trajets. Pourquoi ne pas proposer des pauses toutes les deux heures comme préconiser(même en option) en suggérant les aires d' autoroute ou des endroits sympa sur les nationales ?
BurkeIowa commented
When driving a route long enough to justify stops for gas, food, or restrooms, make it so we can take a freeway exit without constantly telling us how to get back on the route.
Perhaps when the deviation is detected and it's clearly at a freeway exit, it could ask if we are just making an unplanned stop. If so, it could still show us the map/area/gas stations, unlike when we put it to sleep. And if we get a bit turned around and need help getting back, we can just as easily resume directions. As things presently work, it tries to correct us every time we pass through another intersection. This could make those stops easier, especially for stops we routinely make for trips we've done many times before.
Gerard commented
When you pull off to go to get gas or something to eat during long drive you get yelled at my Waze to turn here or do this. Good lord give me a button that says I am just stopping for a few minutes…chill out.
Dale commented
When on a trip you need to stop and get fuel. A pause trip button so you can get off the highway and fill up. then resume trip
Penny Sterling commented
A lot of times when I'm driving I'll see a sign for a food place, or a gas station, and I get off the highway to fill up my tank or my belly, and my Waze keeps beeping and instructing and beeping and instructing, trying to get me back on the road. I don't need this and it's really annoying.
One time I needed to go into the bathroom on the thruway, and I was in a stall, and my Waze voice said "In 500 feet, turn right."
I'd really love a simple way to just shut it up for like 20 minutes, or until I activate the sound again--something that won't take my eyes off the road or my hand off the wheel for long.
I was thinking like a touch-and-hold on the map for 5 seconds something activates it, and a little "SOUND MUTED" icon appear (and/or a voice command like "pause sound." If you want the sound to start up sooner than 20 minutes, just tap the icon and it continues again. It can still do it's little recalculating thing but I won't need to hear it. -
Albert Gan commented
So we can pause when we stop to buy stuff or meals
David Iacobbo commented
I am a postal worker and I use waze to help me learn new routes. The problem is that I stop at every mailbox and Waze thinks that there is traffic. I don't want my use of Waze to mess up other users directions. There should be a "frequent stop" option or something that you can turn on so you don't give faulty traffic information when making frequent stops.
Mark commented
Be nice to pause navigation when you need to stop for fuel, food, etc. It gets frustrating when waze keeps trying to get you back onto the route. I end up having to shut it down to avoid Hearing "turn right" "turn left" constantly
Scott commented
I think Waze needs a "Pause" or "Hold" button on the main screen so that drivers can pause the information when they pull off for gas or to use the restroom. When you pull off the app is constantly talking about getting back. I understand that feature is necessary but it is a nuisance when you just need to get off the rout of travel. Love the app and use it all the time
James commented
Have a pause navigation feature for when we need to get off our park to get gas, food or might want to stop and see something so we didn't have the voice always telling us what to do and where to go.
Leo de la garza commented
I mentioned PAUSE. A "pause" / "continue" feature would be convenient. This can be in the form of an app-voice command, screen-finger-tap(s), or on screen button. I currently have to close and restart it if I'm driving.
gloaguen commented
Bonjour il faudrait inclure dans le trajet pour chaque personne individuellement les pauses de repas et les pauses toutes les deux heures pour que le trajet sois plus précis vous remercie de votre écoute
Anonymous commented
Pause button: when the user temporarily doesn’t need navigation particularly rerouting, but doesn’t want to end the route and start over (especially if there are route choices or stops). Hitting pause turns off rerouting alert tones and limits automatic rerouting to returning to the road where the user departed the route.
Annmarie commented
Please give the app a "PAUSE" feature, so that we can stop for gas or food without loosing our route. It would be great if it continued to check the traffic in case something happened while you were taking a break.
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Because the red button is too challenging to click?
Brad Goodridge commented
So you can stop and get gas or walk into a store without your phone giving you instructions.