התראה על רוכבי אופניים בשולי הכביש
מתן אפשרות לרוכבי אופניים לרכב עם האפליקציה ולתת דיווחי אמת לנהגים על מיקומם כך נהג רכב יוכל לקבל התראה על רוכב אופנים בשולי הכביש

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
רעיון מעולה. כבר הוצע להם בעבר. מקווה שסוף סוף יממשו!
David commented
miki commented
הגיע הזמן...
Anonymous commented
רעיון מעולה!
Anonymous commented
חשוב מאוד!
Orna Tennenbaum commented
חשוב ומציל חיים
T commented
רעיון נפלא ושימושי
Anonymous commented
רעיון מעולה!
Anonymous commented
רעיון מעולה שיכול למנוע כל כך הרבה כאב ואובדן
שרי commented
רעיון מצוין!
Ofir Perets commented
During this period in which cycling is becoming more and more popular, Wase can help the security of the riders. Cyclist start road driving open the Wase App. And select f "I went out riding". Wase can warn drivers nearby- "cyclist in front of you."
Ak commented
It's a MAJOR hazard where I live.
NoEnvriofascist commented
Why not be not-a-hazard?
Anonymous commented
In WA we have a lot of bicycle riders sharing our roads, can you add that as a hazard. Please include single or group riders. Thanks
Rebekah Kliewer commented
Please add a road hazard option for bicyclists riding on the side of the road.
Dan Leinbach commented
When I ride, my phone runs several GPS apps tracking my cycling from an athletic perspective. I have Waze too, and Waze allows reporting hazards on the shoulder... how about an exercise mode for Waze that reports ME as a hazard, on the shoulder, automatically, every minute or few minutes?
I got the idea from a UK GPS that somehow warns of cyclists ahead. Waze is crowdsourced, it just needs a mode to support it. A screenshot of that can be seen at http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02634/ProNav-PNN420-_2634062c.jpg -
Anonymous commented
In urban environments with narrow roads, cyclists can sometimes take up much of an existing lane. For their safety, and so motorists can take evasive action, a dedicated hazard button should be implemented.
Anonymous commented
Save the road cyclers. Millions use Waze and dozens of cyclers (in Israel) get killed and injured yearly on the roads. The solution is concealed in the Waze app. How will it work? Cycler warning. As we drive along with Waze we receive plenty of warnings. Add a warning that let's us know that we are near a cycler and so drivers will take extra caution and wait another minute to change that awful song on the radio. Now practically speaking, as cyclers ride with their smartphone they activate Waze by letting it know that they are cyclers. In the same way we see Waze users driving by, we will also see cyclers riding. In the same way we receive plenty of warnings before they arrive, now we will also receive cycler warnings and save our fellow-riders. Battery life? That's not a problems, the cyclers only need to send info to Waze, they do not need to receive info and won't need to use the battery killer, the screen. Great idea that seriously doesn't require a lot and is going to have Amazing future benefits. Nitay G. Israel