התראה על רוכבי אופניים בשולי הכביש
מתן אפשרות לרוכבי אופניים לרכב עם האפליקציה ולתת דיווחי אמת לנהגים על מיקומם כך נהג רכב יוכל לקבל התראה על רוכב אופנים בשולי הכביש
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Martin Baťo Bryndza commented
To alert drivers about cyclists on the road (1 notification per group of cyclists), this is a splendid idea!
Anonymous commented
רעיון מעולה
Emerson Campos commented
os ciclistas realmente podem contribuir para um transito mais harmônico.
Anonymous commented
חשוב מאד ויציל הרבה רוכבי אופניים
Vit commented
how they will control that the waze user is really a bike? not just used bike icon for a "joke"
Anonymous commented
Great idea
Tamás commented
The problem with this is that in a city center where there are many-many cyclist, you would constantly get warnings which is more annoying than helpful.
Anonymous commented
התראה חשובה ונכונה. אני בעד!
Anonymous commented
i ride bikes.....i realy love it ...but its sceary....i think its great idia
Jenny commented
according to google.. This translated to..
"Warning cyclists off the road
Allowing cyclists to ride with the application and give honest reports on location so drivers car driver could be alerted to the bicyclist off the road"
Steve T. commented
Waze should include an “I’m biking” feature. It would continually mark your location in real time as you cycle and update oncoming traffic with “CAUTION, bicyclists ahead” warnings. Simple and brilliant.
I personally know two others that have been permanently disabled after being stuck by traffic and I’m sure the worldwide tally is disturbingly long. This additional feature would make the motoring public and cyclists safer on the roadways.
Anonymous commented
Life save idea !!
B Smith commented
Great idea
Dan Gay commented
Agree. Vote yes.
Shawn Bernardi commented
PLEASE!!!!!! Do this.
Anonymous commented
How about posting in English also ??? Just a thought
Anonymous commented
Great Idea!
Anonymous commented
!!! Great idea!!!
Anonymous commented
Sounds like the right thing to do
Anonymous commented
אחלה רעיון