Color code road hazard and police reports etc to show how long ago they were reported
Instead of having to click on the police icon to see how long ago it was reported color code the icons.
Green = reported within last 10 minutes
Yellow = reported within last 10-20 minutes
Red = reported over 20 minutes ago

MoMoMo commented
Particularly when I drive alone I’d like to have more control over alerts that display. Currently, they display and ask if Not There? Or Thanks. And this Alert stays up until the place the alert was reported has passed. The Alerts take up screen space and make it harder for me to see where I am in the map at times.
1. I would like to be able to set a timer for how long these alerts stay up because sometimes they are up for a while depending on how slow traffic is moving. If I could set a timer I could avoid having to manually select Not Tjere or Thanks while driving to clear the alert.
2. I don’t like it that if I want to clear the alert I have to look at my screen and tap either Not There or Thanks which is a distraction from driving. If I don’t want to or can’t provide input while driving alone, can the alert just display the alert and not ask me for input?
3. If I want to provide input on an alert while driving. Can it be verbal? I could Say Thanks or Not There which would both provide input and clear the alert without me have in to press one of those options on the screen.
Maureen -
Frank commented
Many times when you see a police icon, they may already be gone when you get there. It would be nice if you could press the icon and it would read out how long the icon has been up. That way, you have an idea as to if they would still be there or not.
For instance, if it said 30 minutes, chances are it’s gone. But if it said 5 minutes, changes are it’s still there
Monte Merriman commented
I travel at night sometimes and would like to know if a fellow Wazer has been down the stretch of road I'm currently on in the past 15 -
20 minutes or so. So if no one has been on the path I'm on, I'll know I need to be a little more cautious for hazards and police issues. -
Jeff Richardson commented
With the exception of road construction
Jeff Richardson commented
Also remove any hazards automatically if nothing has been reported on that for at least 1 hour
Syl20_B commented
Add a sign to give informations on attendance level of roads. For example, a circle that changes color with the attendance rate:
- Green: Another Wazer drove here not more than 10 min ago
- Orange: Another Wazer drove here 10 min to 30 min ago
- Red: no Wazer since at least 30 min -
Dave Hofkins commented
if i am driving and there is an alert for poice spotted ahead it would be nice to know if that was reported 5 min ago or 20 ago
Dan Levine commented
Police don't stay in one place forever. Traffic congestion being reported on isn't static. Confirmations of such activity should reset some type of clock so other Wazers can know how fresh/stale the information is. It would be helpful to show how long it's been since the last confirming update.