have an alert when waze is directing you into a high crime area
have an audible alert or color code when waze is directing you into a high crime area. Often locals avoid those areas and they will therefore have less traffic. But not always a good idea to go into those areas especially at night.

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
Skip Sneeringer commented
This seems like a really bad idea. It sounds like “route me around the poor, I don’t want to look at them.“ Reinforces existing systems of discrimination.
Amit Arnon (Amitloaf) commented
כל פעם שוויז מחליט להעביר אותי דרך השטחים....
umopapisdn commented
this only opens Waze up to discrimination lawsuits.
Mathieu commented
Je pense que cette idée pourrait également être mise en œuvre dans d'autres pays que la France car de plus en plus de données sont en 'open data'
Anonymous commented
Me intentaron robar en 2 oportunidades porque waze me envió x calles muy peligrosas, no había tráfico en esa ruta xq nadie va por alli, sino te asaltan. Quisiera colocar cuales son las calles en el callao, Surquillo y surco viejo por donde no quiero hacer ruta. Espero sus comentarios.
Andy commented
Before Covid I had been traveling every other week and I used your App all the time and Love it...I travel around the midwest - Chicago, St, Louis, Memphis to name a few High Crime areas.
I have been taken many time in Bad areas by following you map. Even if I have to go into these area's it would be Awesome if you could warn people about High Crime areas by somehow using real time police crime stats. A warning signal, a change in screen color or the option to go round High Crime areas.
Think of all the Crime you could stop from people driving in Bad areas because they are following your map and all the people that would start using your app if they new it would take them on the safest route
Thanks for listening -
Anonymous commented
Je travaille actuellement sur un algorithme pour définir des zones dangereuses à partir de donnes ouvertes et gratuites en France : https://www.data.gouv.fr/en/datasets/base-de-donnees-accidents-corporels-de-la-circulation/
Il serait intéressant de mettre en place des alertes de façon à ce que les conducteurs soient plus vigilants sur l'approche de ces zones. -
aerovan commented
Seria importante que nos permita alertar de RATEROS EN LA VIA ZONA DE PELIGRO INSEGURA ETC
Cloud203 commented
This is highly subjective. What determines a "High crime rate area"? Just statistics? Your own personal bias/opinion? When do we adjust these "high crime rate areas"? Do we do this yearly, when crime rate statistics are released?
Or do you just want to mark areas that make you uneasy/scared? Unless Waze is instructing you to go down dark alleyways in southside Chicago, That's kind of what it seems like to me.
hey now #deleteJosh commented
Or fortify your vehicle
Adelino Costa Silva commented
Android & IOS
"database" -
Denise commented
As a single mom whose kids play sports, we have to travel to areas we are unfamiliar with and end up traveling in areas where you don't want to stop at a light or stop sign in fear of your lives. Adding this as an option would be a great help and assist in our safety.
Anonymous commented
Create an Avatar for drivers to inform dangerous areas (violent) and estimulante its use.
Wendy commented
Yes, please!!
Joshua Margolin commented
במפות לא מופיע הקו הירוק המסמן את השטחים שישראל כבשה. עקב כך הנהגים לא מקבלים התראה על כך שהם ניכנסים לאזורים מסוכנים ואף לאזורים שבהם אסור להם לשהות. יש לפחות להוסיף בימון הקו הירוק ואף להוסיף התראות על מסלול מתוכנן הכולל נסיעה מחוץ לתחומי הקו הירוק.
Anonymous commented
I really hope the guys at waze see this. I've been taken through Alex waay too many times.
Single female driving through Alex at night... I should have had a big neon sign saying -'high Jack victim in waiting' -
Harry commented
One risk of this would be that people could single out communities as dangerous based on personal bias
Anonymous commented
Minha sugestão é permitir que o próprio usuário marque as áreas que considere de risco está fundamental em determinada cidade como São Paulo ou Rio de Janeiro
Anonymous commented
Talvez o Waze considere não apropriado marcar áreas como perigosas por ser politicamente incorreto ou por receio de ações judiciais. No entanto é possível talvez seja possível permitirá usuário que determine ele mesmo as áreas que considere perigosa é de alguma forma por exemplo marcando áreas ou nomes
Edu Godinho commented
Around the globe, every place have some dangerous areas and will be great the option to avoid this in Waze.
To get this information, users can report incidents and with the system automatically flag as dangerous. Another possibility in integrate Waze with public services like https://www.addressreport.com and public statistics.