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582 results found

  1. Add One click button for Tolls on/off while driving

    While driving waze might update with new route, some are with tolls.

    Even when user selects a tool free router on star driving, Waze suggest the update due to less time. Sometimes user cannot block the update as buscas driving and attention on road.

    It will be very useful to have Tolls On/Off toggle during driving and only applicable for that trip.

    Currently this setting is global and for all trips and difficult to reach if driving - requires several clicks and taking attention out of road. Safety first! Add it on main screen just like the icon for Spotify!

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  2. Daycare quick link

    There’s a short cut for home and work. Let’s get one for daycare and school!

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  3. Next turn in notification bar

    Please give the next turn info in notification bar so that even if on a call we can swipe down the notification bar and see where to turn

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  4. Fix Overlapping, invisible Compass button

    This is more of a bug report than a suggestion. When Waze is navigating and phone is in Landscape mode, the "Compass" button and the "Update the Map" button overlap with each other by about 80%, and the compass button is usually invisible. This leads to a frequent problem when driving of trying to his the "Update the Map" button but instead hitting the dang invisible Compass button, and suddenly changing the orientation of the map and making everything go haywire. These buttons should not be overlapping by 80% is doesn't make sense!

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  5. Localisation prediction during a trip

    During an itinerary, add the command "Where will I be at such time?" and/or "Where will I be in X minutes?" Thanks

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  6. Show current time when using Waze.

    I miss the current time being shown when using Waze. Especially useful when doing walking routes.

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  7. Restricted areas notifications

    Many users complains that notifications for restricted areas aren't clear or not enough bold in app.
    Due to this issue, they created UR and are angried because Waze guide they trought by a restricted area.

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  8. Pioneer

    Hello there , as a user of wazzee and pioneer , my weblink app on pioneer allow me to take waze to my pioneer screen soni csn se gps on the radio. Although both screens are ative, any chance of when pioneer radio is using waze gps to turn off the phone so i can use otherapps?

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  9. Where From Missing

    You have a Where To option but no Where From option.

    Eg if not at your current location or your GPS/internet is temporarily down.

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  10. Waze share route problem

    Good morning everybody! My Waze isn't working correctly on share route resource, redirected from others apps. I use apps for Driver like Uber and 99 Taxis. When I receive a new route, the app redirects to Waze, but with problem. My Waze not showing the vehicle, names of street and arrive point. I've printed this.
    Thanks at all

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  11. Indiquer le nom de la commune

    Quand waze alerte d'une manifestation sportive comme une course cycliste ou un marathon dans plusieurs dizaines de villes et villages : Indiquer les rues du parcours sans y associer le nom de la commune ne sert à rien. Ajoutez la commune aux noms de rues

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  12. Compass issues

    When in landscape the 'speech bubble' to report something is over the top of the compass that changes the screen orientation... When I try to report something normally I end up spinning the screen instead! Can you put more distance between the icons?

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  13. Gas prices

    Hi, I mostly use google maps, I see they have gas prices, and I believe they own Waze now. I was thinking they get there gas prices from you. Anyway I tried to change a gas price in the Waze app, but couldn't do it. I n there's times of fast changing gas prices, it would be nice to be able to update gas prices. The gas station that I was just at had not been updated for two days in the app, the price shown in the app was $3.89 when I got there it was $4.19. I am…

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  14. Speedo onscreen when phone screen is dimmed / off to save battery

    I turn my phone screen off when on long stretches to save battery, and listen out for audio prompts and alerts.

    Please can the speedo, and possibly any alert icon, stay on screen in this mode while the app is running?

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  15. Option to immediately lock screen upon power loss

    Users usually use Waze tethered to a USB cable in order to save battery.

    It would be a huge security improvement if Waze had a toggle option that would enable immediate lock screen upon power loss (USB cable disconnect). This would prevent thieves from accessing sensitive information from a stolen phone while standstill in traffic.

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  16. Show "Where to?" Only when the app is Fully loaded

    Sometimes when opening app (mobile), you can immediately tap "where to?" And start choosing the destination, but then while typing, suddenly input view closes back to main view and you accidentally tap on something and app starts calculating routes you dont even want to go to. That is annoying! Better do not show the "Where to?" Untill the app is totally loaded and ready. It would make overall UX more pleasant in a rush.

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  17. Signalements trop compliqués

    Les signalements sont trop compliqués à faire. Le conducteur doit entrer dans une multitude de sous-menus et quitter les yeux de la route trop longtemps. Il faudrait pouvoir choisir pour ceux qui le souhaitent des raccourcis de signalements. Pour ma part, je trouve qu'il n'y a que 4 signalements intéressants : "danger sur la route" ; "circulation arrêtée" ; "accident" et "police"
    Avec seulement ces 4 raccourcis, on ne quitte plus la route des yeux pour chercher le bon signalement.

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  18. My birthday won’t save the system changes it on its own when it’s saved

    When in my profile I save my birthday it changing it on its own after I save it

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  19. Electric vehicles

    Please stop asking if I have an electric vehicle every time I open the app. Thanks

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  20. Vana menüü tagastus

    Kasutan võimalust ja lisan tagasiside - menüü on tehtud väga ebamugavaks!!! Praegu kirjutades näen ühte rida, ei näe teksti tervikuna. Kui auto on peatanud keset teed, seda ei saa märkida kuna sellist valikut enam üldse ei ole. Ei näe eriti ka pööramise keeldu (mis praegu oleks väga kasulik). Menüü on muutunud väga vaeseks. Pigem tagastage need paljud nupud mis on kadunud 🙏

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