Waze Suggestion Box
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599 results found
Why not migrate Bookmarks from Google Maps to WAZE????
I need to migrate from Googls Maps to WAZE. If possible, maybe, the simple way to add this functionality can be adding the possibility to upload to WAZE a file of Bookmarks from Googls Maps.
Thank You.3 votes -
New UI prevents sleep after starting a drive
Sleep button used to be accessible via the bottom left menu. Now it’s inside the top right new UI which is not on screen (not clickable) when a drive is started…
The UI changes need to be better tested for usability because this is frustrating and not needed…3 votes -
Speed trap
When speed trap notification pops up. Tachometer becomes hidden behind the directions element. That makes it impossible to read current speed and also max speed limit. Maybe the possible cause is scaled system UI. I think the speed trap notification could popup small in the corner.
3 votes -
Average speed zone label covers up the speed limit
When you enter an average speed zone, the green bar on the left appears. Also a label appears at the bottom showing what distance the zone covers. Annoyingly this label covers up the current speed limit badge, so you can't see what the limit is until the label disappears or moves up far enough.
3 votes -
Add report button in Waze to mark location to look at later in WME
Add a report button or a togglable on-screen button to mark the current location which then can be viewed later in the Waze Map Editor.
Currently users need to either create a UR or take a screenshot in order to remember the location to look at later in the Waze Map Editor.
3 votes -
Close app on iPhone.
Go back to the old system of closing the app. Like many other people, I use my phone for directions and the recent changes are so annoying that I’m seriously thinking of removing the app. I could live with the annoyance of being automatically connected when I’m in my newer car via apple play - but now this is just backward to close the app via my iPhone.
3 votes -
Revert your recent update
Your recent upgrade has brought my rating from 5 stars to 2 stars.... Did you test this??? Or just release it and cross your fingers. As someone with experience in software upgrades and testing I would have been sacked for the mess now masquerading as Waze. It wasn't broken so Why??
3 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Show ETA time when showing possible routes
When showing potential routes for the user instead of just having a time estimate (20 mins) also show the ETA (2:30pm).
3 votes -
Plan a drive
I'm not happy with the relocation of "Plan a drive." It's way too difficult to get to now and not intuitive any more. Please put it back on the main page.
3 votes -
Detect different bluetooth/headunits for pre-set profile and settings.
As someone who rides a motorcycle and drives I would like to set different vehicle types based on device it is detecting. Like I would like if I connect to my car, no audible alerts and the routes that are best for that vehicle. But should I connect to my helmet communicator I would like if Waze knows that I would need audible alerts and motorcycle routes.
3 votes -
Issues with new update
There are a number of issues with the new Android Waze update. I think it is obvious that the developers use the app on a large screen. The speed limit and current speed are far too small to read while driving. The circle with the speed in it is about 1/2" in diameter on a 7" screen. The speed text and the speed limit are under 1/4" and are very hard to read.
Also, when in full screen display, if one provides a location to navigate to, Waze shows the command in the dialog box, but does nothing. If one…
3 votes -
Bangla local fonts
My local language which is Bengali, breaks in waze. I mean Bangla fonts breaks in waze map. See the attached screenshots. Its should be shown as “মোহাম্মদপুর”. For screenshot’s https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=2353452#p2353452
3 votes -
PLEASE BRING BACK THE WIDGET FEATURE FOR iOS!! It was so convenient to use before, especially being that majority of people’s phone layouts are set up based on widgets.
3 votes -
Current Update Moves Eyes Off Road
The new version works well with Android Auto Coolwalk, however: navigation buttons (i.e. routes) are now smaller and on the far top right corner, report button is now smaller and black and white instead of big and red. All this causes more eyes of the road, please review. Other than that like the work you're doing. Thanks!
3 votes -
search favourites function
It would be good to be able to perform a search/filter function for your saved favourites. If you have 30+ saved favourites it can be quite difficult to find what you want, a quick search function would be good I think.
3 votes -
Bring back Shutdown button in swipe-up menu
The recent UI change that removed the Shutdown button from the swipe up menu has a negative impact on the app. The new "hamburger" menu is not useful or well-integrated, and requires too much visual focus to find. The previous UI was more intuitive, and worked better. Please bring it back, so the shutdown button is available in the main swipe-up screen.
3 votes -
Auto cancel the "Where to" and "My Waze" bars
When we use the map and do not choose a destination, the "Where to" and "My Waze" bars at the bottom of the screen - especially in the landscape position - occupy almost half of the screen, which makes it very difficult to read the map. They should disappear after a few seconds and reappear when you touch the screen. I would like to ask you to introduce this minor and very helpful modification.
3 votes -
3 votes
Multiple sorting in Saved Places: A-Z, Z-A; Entered - ascending/descending; Tagging - multiple and editable
Tagging examples - "work" "family" "health" "friends" "business" "shopping" "groceries"
3 votes -
Pourquoi que depuis la dernière mise à jour on ne peut plus avoir l'icône de météo sur la carte ou en bas de carte sur le bandeau noir ?
3 votes
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