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3959 results found

  1. Navigacia na ciel pomocou vyraznejsich cielov

    Mal som moznost pouzit navigaciu waze pri svojich minulotyzdennych cestach po Taliansku a neskutocne ma znervoznovala a vyrusovala navigacia od krizovatky po krizovatku (resp. kruhovy objazd) ktora mi povedala napr, ze mam odbocit na 2om vyjazde na ulicu XYZ. Takto som bol navigovany na lokalnych cestach pocas vzdialensti 60km. Nikdy som nevedel cestu na viac ako 2 km daleko. Pricom cely cas som smeroval na mesto Trento a v navigacii by okrem najblizsich bodov mohla byt aj informacia typu - najblizsich 60km sleduj smer Trento. Tym padom by som sa nemusel citit ako cvicena opica ktora vlastne ani nevie kam…

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  2. 1 vote

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  3. A simple 3 route choise window before "Go"

    Add a 3 split screen with map overview of route choises instead of automatically taking the shortest and presentinf just the "Go" screen

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  5. Multiple SpeedLimit

    Currently, Speed limit alerts merely with a "beep" sound.
    1st, I suggest to make it possible to select our favorite sound from internal memory for any limit excession,
    2nd, let us adjust more than one limit; for example exactly in speed limit and when the speed reaches to +10km/h more than limit.

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  6. Favoriete loc

    Kan het opslag geheugen vergroot worden kan niet alle adressen kwijt beetje spijtig 🤔

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. adresse erronée concernant Residence Sacha à Agadir au Maroc

    Grace à votre application les utilisateurs de celle ci qui recherchent la Résidence Sacha(Appart-Hotel) se retrouvent rue du Caire . Nous sommes installes entre la Rue et la Place de la Jeunesse en Centre Ville .En tapant Residence Sacha sur Google apparait le plan de situation juste et aussi à la page contact de notre site web <> il y a un plan plan qui permet de nous repérer. Nous vous serions reconnaissant que notre adresse valide soit proposée aux utilisateurs de votre application.Par anticipation : Merci et Meilleures Salutations. Yves Richard ; Propriétaire de la Résidence Sacha à Agadir…

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  9. Demande d'alerte et d'infos

    Pourquoi ne pas avoir d'info URGENCE par waze lors d'une catastrophe comme nous avons connu hier pour la chute du pont de Gêne ? nous étions perdus....
    De plus, sans rapport...pourquoi pas d'alerte repos toutes les 2 heures sur waze?

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  10. A question : is it possible to use Waze without smartphone or i'phone ?

    Is it possible to use Waze without smartphone or iphone ?

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  11. Remove Awakea rd

    Awakea rd in Kailua is a quiet neighborhood with a speed limit of 20mph. Lately I have noticed a lot of tourist and local traffic speeding on the road while using a mobile phone. The traffic should stay on Kailua rd.., this road should not be used as a short cut. Please remove Awakea rd in Kailua 96734 as an option / short cut to drive to other locations on Oahu. The noice and traffic speeds are unbearable! Please Help! Mahalo, Jamesp

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  12. Jakarta update !! Urgent!!!

    Update the restricted access roads in Jakarta, with the new rules implemented from August 1, 2018.

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  13. Add voice commentary at the end of your drive when the route you actually went was slower\quicker than what Waze originally presented.

    I want Waze to say, "Good job! You found a faster route! You saved 5 minutes. Other Wazers will thank you." or "The route you chose took you 5 minutes longer. Maybe you should listen to me next time?"

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  14. Lunch time

    Dear @waze thank you for your work. I have a suggestion: could you add a voice asking “Is lunch time?” When a driver do not follow the way and goes to a restaurant. And when the app detect movement again, ask: “do we continue traveling?” Thanks again.

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  15. Route improvement

    For Hillsborough township New Jersey, use Auten Road instead of Beekman Lane to get to and from Marshall Road.

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  16. count of traffic light in the route

    why if appears in overview the trafficlights counter of the route. more of them more possibilities of getting late

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  17. route info and overview is a mess. overview win

    in first one there is a trafic jams in the second one no. this is wird. remove one of them. let the overview only.

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  18. MB counter that shows how many mb's it consumes while using it

    MB counter that shows how many mb's it consumes while using it

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  19. I'm constantly getting ''Routing Server Timeout'' when I want to calculate a long route (in my case, 1050 KM). Could you please fix this?

    Could you please fix this? I'd love to add more information as needed, but this is the first time that I'm using this website so I don't know if this will be possible. The route does cross a few country's though.

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  20. Accessibility

    The company may be available for complaints, while you brag that your costumer service is comfortable and easy in reality you do not handle complaints properly. I've been trying to change my business's path in your application because the current path is not accessible and even dangerous, but we get no treatment whatsoever. We're very disappointed of your customer service

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