Waze Suggestion Box
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3956 results found
Advanced speed options
Speed options based on vehicle type for UK
Eg. Speed for goods vehicles are different in the UK to normal vehicles.Would definitely help avoid unneeded speeding tickets.
2 votes -
Nu functioneaza Waze. Nu se centreaza acea sageata. Am aceste probleme de cateva zile.
Sa se infiinteze un numar de telefon sau o adresa de email, unde sa putem lua legatura cu Asistenta. Aplicatia Waze ajuta foarte multi soferi, in special, pe cei care fac Uber, de aceea centrarea locatiei in timp rapid este de mare nevoie.
2 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
update the road and place
please update your map with google map..insert the missing place and missing road
2 votesThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
Have the navigation say to turn at the next stoplight or stop sign.
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Sailor Moon on Waze
Since Waze has done licensed media themes moods, voices and vehicles in the past, I would like to see Sailor Moon themed moods, voices and vehicles in a future Waze update.
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Indicate Pet Friendly (Or Not Friendly) Areas or Gas Stations
Today, I stopped at a gas station called Snappy Foods in Townsend, GA off of I-95 (on GA-57) to get gas and allow my dogs to relieve themselves. After pumping and paying for gas, I attempted to walk my dogs in the only grass area away from the road between the convenience store and the Motel 8 when the gas station employee came out and told me I could not walk my dogs there, I had to take them by the busy roadway and when I refused for safety reasons, I was told "if you don't like it, you can…
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Wrong direction
A mapping service is directing drivers the wrong way on a one way street (maybe waze). The location is in Vineyard Haven, Ma. The street is William between Church and Center. That section is one way heading north. Cars using a mapping service are being directed the wrong way on that one way street. Please see if you have a flaw in your dataset.
2 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Barra di ricerca
La barra di ricerca nella parte inferiore copre buona parte del display e non si può nemmeno togliere. Sarebbe molto utile la possibilità di disattivarla
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big red voice command at start waze
I suggest to put a big red voice command that appear at start waze. Everytime i start waze, it's dangerous and difficult find little red mic
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Remove time penalty while road type changes from Unpaved to Paved and vice versa
There are a lot of areas in Lithuania, where road is paved inside village and unpaved between villages. Waze navigation suggests to avoid shorter and faster trip through the mix of paved and unpaved roads and offers a longer trip through unpaved only roads.
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Half-way points or ETA to points on map
After a trip of several days where I knew I couldn’t make my destination before I needed to stop, I would like to se a feature where, given current conditions, Waze would show the halfway point, or possible future location based on driving time.
Let’s say my trip is 560 miles and 9 hours….if I drove 6 hours (I enter the time) where would I be? Where is the half way point? Or, if a select a point on the route map, how far and how long is the travel time.
Just more information.
Love my Waze…I always tell my…
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Have the ability to organize the icon screen to the drivers choice
The idea is to move icons in a such a way for quicker reporti g based on drivers daily route. If I see more police than anything else, I would want that icon to be my first choice, maybe construction would be second, etc. Etc
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2 votes
Give a warning about police before they are already in sight
By the time I am notified of police shooting radar, it’s too late they can already see me. The warnings should be set way further back to give people time to slow down
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Correct locations
The McDonald's at 9270 lime rd, mantua oh doesn't exist. This effected my route.
2 votesThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
Alerta na Navegação
Bom dia.
Gostaria de sugerir que o Waze, coloque uma informação à respeito da Rua Jose Flavio, 428 - Penha de França - Sao Paulo - SP, CEP 03642-000, pois esta é uma rua , INFELIZMENTE ainda sem nome, que comunica entre a jose flavio, altura do numero 428, ea rua MAMPITUBA. A prefeitura ate hoje não a nomeou. Ela tem entrada larga e a saida, na Mampituba é ESTREITA ( largura de um carro médio +/- 210 cms ( 2,10 mts ). Entao seria interessante colocar este alerta na navegação, pois VANS e VUCs estão ficando presos na rua,…2 votesThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
Voice Nav: At the stop sign, turn left. At the stop light, turn right.
I was riding with a friend yesterday and the app he was using gave him voice instructions like "At the stop light, turn left" and "At the stop sign, turn right". This was way more user friendly and useful than using distances such as "In 300 feet, turn right".
Waze should add this functionality to its app as it's sometimes confusing which road to turn on when roads are close to each other and knowing that it's at a stop sig or light makes it very easy to figure out.
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please add a feature i should have an option to select that i'm OK to take a short walk to save time.
please add " i'm OK to take a short walk to save time "
So in the cities instead of taking me to the exact address it should take me to the other corner or across the street or a few feet away and save time. typically it could be saving 10 minutes to a half an hour
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Progressive speed warning
Displaying speed in red when speeding is a nice feature. The audible warning is also great and not distracting. But it was be nice to have option to play different tones as you go over speed limit by certain intervals. Eg. 5 over, 10 over, etc. It is easy to keep going faster on some sections of road and it would be great to be reminded.
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Turn off close to home
Much the same way the “still there” interface pops up when you are close to a reported cop or car on the side of the road, have a pop off for “continue/stop” when you are close to home. I suggest 1mile radius from your Home location.
2 votes
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