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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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1204 results found

  1. Create your own navigation voice for in km instead of Miles

    Create your own navigation voice for in km instead of Miles

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  2. Inserire una sezione dedicata direttamente nell’app di Waze in cui vengono inseriti tutti i dati dei viaggi precedenti velocità,traffico,ec.

    La mia idea è quella di poter inserire una sezione facile e intuitiva direttamente nell’applicazione Waze per poter vedere tutti i dati inerenti ai viaggi precendenti, potendo vedere la velocità, possibili infrazioni, dati sul traffico e gli spostamenti dovrebbero essere visibili direttamente sulla mappa, sarebbe ancora meglio poter andare ad individuare tutti questi dati direttamente in un punto specifico del percorso, infine sarebbe opportuno inserire il resoconto completo di ogni singolo viaggio, spero di avervi dato un consiglio utile,

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  3. address correction

    We would like to ask that you Please correct the address information for Diana's Baths, No. Conway, NH. The correct address is: 3872 West Side Rd. No. Conway, NH 03860. Thank you so much.

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  4. Enforcement Trailer

    In my review I will only refer to the warning functions. The functionality is perfect for fixed speed cameras! However, mobile speed cameras (from the caddy or mobile) are almost never displayed in smaller cities because too few users report the speed camera and confirm it in the required time windows. A pity. The system could be improved here so that the speed camera is displayed immediately when it is first reported and remains there until a user reports that it has been removed.
    The app needs even more improvement when it comes to the enforcement trailers. Our city has…

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  5. Android \ help and feedback \ Report map issue \ Keyboard blocks the description box

    On the android app, under Help and Feedback, Report map issue... the text box for "Describe the issue" is blocked by the on-screen keyboard, so users cannot see what they are typing. The only way to see is to minimize the keyboard, but the minimize button becomes the "go back" button, so it is easy to accidentally go back, which wipes everything the user just entered in.

    I suggest the program developers added some blank space on the bottom of the page. This would allow the user to scroll down so that the "Describe the issue" text box does not…

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  6. Allow advisory drops on website

    Allow the ability to enter in advisory pins on the desktop site even when not diving. Users may know of construction, closures, traffic, incidents, that are not reported by on road Wazers. This would be an extra eye in the sky to warn drivers of known issues ahead.

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  7. Personal Plan for special route, event, Holidays were you can store locations and dates to easy select

    For special events I would like to store locations and dates (for example Holidays) so you can eassily select when you want to go there. You have your "favorites" but within a sub-group as (for example) "Holidays 2024" with several addresses and dates.

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  8. Botão de alerta para avisar motorista sobre o risco de furto ou roubo de veículos.

    Botão para alertar motoristas sobre a presença de ladrões e arrombadores de veículos no momento em que estacionar.

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  9. Searching address, point with use of geographical coordinates.

    Searching address, point with use of geographical coordinates.

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  10. joyride travel

    pin points of intrest or places you want to visit and crate a rout using thouse pins not only a to b destinations. lets say i have no destination but i want to go through this street because its twisty after that this street because of view and so on. like im here and pin a then pin b,pin c, pin d and i get this rout to follow. so you could make this rout at home and then go for like 1hr drive around - joy ride.

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  11. In alerts, add a button to report that there is a fixed speed bump in the road.

    In the alerts the user can report, having a button to report that there is a fixed speed bump in the road would be useful.

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  12. Allow the toggle of speed camera notification

    Currently it seems you only get notified of a speed camera when going above the speed limit. Which admittedly comes in handy most of the time however when smart motorways reduce the speed limit, Waze won’t notify you fully, compared to if you were going above the speed limit of a normal motorway. Possibly either inform you fully all the time or allow there to be a setting for people that wish to use this feature would be very helpful.

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  13. The Emojis doesn't show on Waze app

    Hello Dear editors I noticed that the Emojis doesn't show on Waze app, does anyone have an idea how to fix it?

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  14. Filtro de vias sem nome

    Gostaria que fosse incluso no WME na aba "problemas" as ruas de determinada área que ainda não tenham nenhuma nomeação, para facilitar a visualização do editor. Sugiro que isso seja incluído na aba "camada" de mapa.

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  15. Multimodal Routing

    Traffic navigation isn't limited to cars. Waze could expand to include cycling, walking, and even public transportation options. By incorporating real-time data on bike lanes, pedestrian paths, and bus schedules, Waze could become a one-stop shop for navigating any mode of transportation in a city.

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  16. Notation des destinations


    Une fonctionnalité intéressante serait les notes sous formes d'étoiles par exemple car très visuel. C'est une idée très similaire a Google Map mais qui serait toujours un plus pour nous la communautée de Waze

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  17. Make it easy to erase all the trips without having to do it individually.

    I do deliveries for Walmart, and at the end of day, I have more than 20 trips, and that adds up pretty quickly, My saved address are always at the bottom of the list, and it would just be easier if I could erase all those trips at the end of the day, without having to do it individually.

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  18. Allow photos to be used in reporting chats on WME

    It should be allowed to insert photos in chats with users when they report a problem, this will make it easier for us to solve the type of problem that exists on the map. It could be a low resolution image only to better identify the problem

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  19. Speed camera cars

    Have the option to post speed camera cars instead of clicking on Police

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  20. Correction- Brazil

    In Brazil, using English directions, many highways are designated as "SP-###", which stands for "SãoPaulo". The audio direction is calling out ALL SP highways as "Sulfur mono Phosphide" which is a chemical formula abbreviation S P. Every time an SP hwy is called out, she literally says "sulfur mono phosphide" each time, rather than São Paulo, or simply SP. Needs correction. Very annoying 😑

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