Add Stop Signs in WME for routing
I would love if you could make it where we can add stop signs to the WME to be apart of routing. Just like what you guys did with the lanes feature. I saw Apple Maps already has this and would be cool to be added to Waze also.

Thank you for this suggestion.
This is currently not planned to be implemented, and therefore we. won’t move forward with it
We encourage you to keep on suggesting great ideas.
bz2012 commented
Waze CAUSES a problem by SHOWING some stop signs/traffic lights on the Waze users map, (locations are computed using driving data and/or Google Map information) while NOT allowing Volunteer map editors to add/correct them.
Drivers think that missing ones need to be reported but there is nothing we can do about such reports.
Bret McVey commented
Would like this (plus Stop Lights) and incorporated into TTS instructions too. "At the stop sign, turn left/right onto ABC Street" as an example.