Map Editor Suggestions
Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!
This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.
1216 results found
Work closer with scripters
Develop a closer working relationship with scripters. They provide great tools that make the time we can devote to editing far more productive - UNTIL the scripts are broken when WME is updated. When possible incorporate script functionality into native code.
6 votes -
Revise points awarded for different edit types
Some types of edits are time/labor intensive (adding HNs for example) but earn few points. Others, such as adding RPPs or new streets earn more points and can be done quickly. As a result some edits that really need work but earn few points are neglected. Please take a look at making points earned more equitable based on time/effort needed.
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show electric charging station during the navigation (with or without planning)
show electric charging station during the navigation (with or without planning)
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Let's hide roads built in a small number of satellites
Do, please, so that if waze sees at least three satellites, it does not display those tracks in the map editor. It often happens that you forget to disconnect waze and go in the building. Satellite reception quality decreases. And in the editor there is a lot of chaotic tracks around the building. This prevents debris find tracks of roads that were built when waze seen enough satellites for precise positioning.
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Limit locking of segments and Speed Cams, as some admins are very precious about their wrong edits and lock everything
Some admins are over possessive of their edits that are wrong in many cases, and just lock everything they do including speed cam locations or small segments. This in my opinion is totally against the crowdsourcing model of Waze where you get the best up to date data by millions of users who can't actually override those locked edits!
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Waze Map Editor Multi Plateforme
Actuellement uniquement disponible sur PC via le site web cela pourrait être pratique de l'avoir soit directement inclus dans l'application soit proposer une app permettant d'y avoir accès via nos support portables. car lors de déplacement nous pouvons voirs des erreurs à certains endroits et n'avons pas forcément de PC avec nous et encore moins de possibilités de connexion via celui ci. alors qu'un accès à internet par téléphone et tablette et bien souvent plus aisés.
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Turn on u-turns by default in WME
In those countries where u-turns are allowed please turn it on by default in the WME so I don't have to manually edit every time.
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Points de recharge électrique / choix du véhicule
bonjour, pour les utilisateurs de véhicules électriques il n'y a pas encore ce choix de "carburant" ni les points de recharges sur la carte.
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Traffic jam voice alerts
Add voice alerts along route for traffic jams up ahead. If you are driving you can not see them until it is too late. Right now, it is only visible on map with no voice alerts.
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Waze Voices
We need to have at least Gabriel Iglesias as the voice, specially he has those funny comedy remarks he can add to the Waze map voice
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Waze Christmas lights marker
Make it so WAZE can mark houses on the map that have Christmas lights. so people in the community they live in or just visiting can do drive bys. Let the marker stay until after christmas. You can do the same for halloween.
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Quick pop up when a lane is closed
Have a feature stating that a road is closed to avoid traffic build up.
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Add gates to the map that can be opened, or closed, for each individual wazer
Every private installation currently has two, or more, roles (employee/visitor/secret/resident/etc) that are often poorly understood by the map editors. Currently, editors are forced to choose one role then use various segment types to direct wazers to the gate(s) used by that role. For example, in a gated neighborhood we might set the public entrance to local street while all of the resident-only entrances are private road.
This idea is to have WME support a gate icon that could be dropped onto a segment. These gates would then be visible on the app's map as buttons which a wazer could select…
6 votes -
Remove restriction types in WME for vehicle types and restrictions that are not currently in-app to choose
Remove all vehicle types in WME, that you cannot currently choose within the Waze App.
This won't apply to vehicle types that are currently planned to be released to the app, but the "Truck" and "Bus" types haven't been selectable in the App for some time now. This is very confusing for newer editors who are trying to make edits, using vehicle types that will have no effect on anything.
Similarly please remove the "lane" restrictions like specific restrictions only for the left lane, etc. These do not work and in some edge cases, actually apply to the whole segment…
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Keyboard shortcut for Walking Trails
Ever since Walking Trails where removed from the road type selection for normal Roads, you can no longer add Walking Trail segments from a Keyboard shortcut. Please add a new shortcut.
My Suggestion would be Ctrl-I and an alternative to the I shortcut for new Road. (Shift-I is already used to toggle the Sat Imagery Layer).
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Chromebook Friendly Interface
Can you update the map editor to be chromebook friendly will also open map editing to more users thanks
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Temporary Construction Zone Restriction
Per conversation on the editors discord, it would be nice to have a black and orange dashed line which would indicate construction zones in Waze. This way drivers would get an alert and know to slow down if there are any speed restrictions. In the WME app, users would be able to set these temporary restrictions up to what is allowed per their level. This would be done through restrictions field in the editor. A tab would be added in the restrictions editor to show construction zone information. For a user to set a construction zone on a segment or…
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Events entry for multiple dates but basic information is the same for quicker creation
I spent quite a bit of time entering Events today for concerts that happen on every Friday in the summer. Basically the only information that was different was the dates and the road closures were also the same except for the dates. This would be a great time saver if it could enter all the dates and times in separate sections and created separate Events.
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Incluir em "Serviços" de Locais a opção: Aceita PIX
Solicitar a inclusão em Locais -> Mais Infos -> Serviços -> "Aceita PIX"
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Help detecting unanswered UR.
WME does not sufficiently highlight unanswered URs, while editors are expected to handle unanswered URs.
URs are coloured according to their age and status (open, closed ok, closed nok).
Opened UR are coloured in yellow, becoming darker , then red, when aging.
The only way to differentiate unanswered from answered URs is the presence of a "speech ballon".
I am a Belgian editor, and we, in Belgium, believe we have invented comic strips and speech balloon, so we like speech balloons.
However, I believe speech balloon are not visible enough, and unanswered URs should have a distinct colour, perhaps blue,…6 votes
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