Map Editor Suggestions
Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!
This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.
14 results found
Automatically select road name text when editing
In the latest version of WME, when you open up the "edit" dialog to adjust a street name, and then click on the text box for "name" or "city", it drops the cursor at the end of the box. It would be nice if the existing text in the box is highlighted so you don't have to manually select the text to clear the box when editing the name of the street or the city name
39 votes -
Events: additional tickbox "event needs push notification"
Requesting push notifications for events through the editors' community still doesn't work very well and is not rewarding.
Now contributors get a notification if their event was published by Waze staff but they get no notification about the event being reviewed at first. If Waze decided to not send a notification, the contributor doesn't get to know the reason, nor the information that the decision has been made!When I enter major events I -as a local member- often know that they have a high impact on traffic in the near area.
I suggest adding a tickbox to clearly show…
30 votes -
Allow choice in HN street name
Certain streets have a different name or city depending of side.
It would be great to allow, when adding HNs, editors to specify what name we want to assigne to it when alternate bloc is filled.Thanks
28 votesApologies, but we won't be able to prioritize adding this to the WME at this time.
Many thanks to all who pushed for this suggestion. We will update if/when this is able to be added.
Street Parking
We have parking lot roads that cover most parking situations, but there's not a great mechanism for handling street parking on public streets where it doesn't make sense to mark a road as a parking lot road. Examples: Many residential neighborhoods, many downtown areas.
Suggestion is to add a flag to all driveable road types except freeway and PLR/PR to indicate "street parking is allowed", along with pricing information similar to how we handle parking lot areas. This could be part of the next phase of the parking project.
23 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Remove RS update location on*
Since RS are in wme, on the editor page those edition are link to 0,0 position.
Would it be possible to improve the visualization of these editions because it affects the readability of the map?20 votesPlease provide more information, including screenshots to illustrate the issue.
Bring back the zoom bar
With all of the new zoom levels I'm respectfully begging for the return of the zoom bar in order to know what zoom level you are at. Since many map objects only display below a certain zoom level, in vanilla WME, you must guess whether you'll be able to see what you need. Also, the zoom bar allowed for single click zooming, rather than using the scroll wheel or multiple clicks.
9 votes -
Allow invert one way directions trhough interditions
7 votes -
Quick pop up when a lane is closed
Have a feature stating that a road is closed to avoid traffic build up.
6 votes -
Different closure types for emergency vehicles
There can be roughly two types of closures on roads. One is that the road is completely closed and driving is absolutely not possible. That's what we have now. Second possible situation is "soft closure", where although the road is publicly closed, some vehicles could still pass because the road itself is drivable.
"Soft closure" can be an event closure like a festival or VIP visit or something else similar, where an emergency vehicle could drive through in case of an emergency. Such soft closures should not close the road completely, but add a small penalty instead, because you can't…
6 votes -
import kml kmz files
suport import kml kmz files
3 votes -
Shortcuts on in car play screen for drivers
Allow custom shortcuts for those using in car apple/android play on the main map screen in order to report hazards and police a lot more efficiently without having to filter through different menus.
1 vote -
Make the roads bigger on smartphones
I would like to be ble to correct directly from my smartphone (i.e. Android)
It is perfect from a laptop.
But on smartphones, roads are too small.
If it is possible to make them bigger only for smartphones that would be perfect1 vote -
Support more kind of private roads.
Several categories of private roads exist.
The common is that transit should not be allowed within them.
But after that different categories exists :Some are open but only visitors allowed
Some other are physically closed with or without the ability to open them.
It would be useful to be able to map those categories so Waze would warn the driver before driving about the condition of the destination, and eventually change destination if it is not reachable.1 vote -
customization of itinerary
please, add the option to customize one's itinerary by manually selecting the roads to take during the trip
1 vote
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