Waze Suggestion Box
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17365 results found
satellite errorI "lern" roads by using front camera
Hi - so my idea is about dealing trouble with satellite error. I think that a good solution will be to "lern" roads by using front camera that in times (like this days in israel) that there is no single "waze" will continue working based on recognizing place from front camera and placed the location on the map based on data that our system got by learning the view from previous drivers.
1 vote -
اشارات مرورية
مرحبا ممكن اضافه علامات اشارة مرورية
1 vote -
Programable Main page Icon most used by each user.
I was wondering how hard it would be for Wazer to allow users to have one icon they use a lot to be available on the main page. I use the stopped car post a lot and it is sometimes difficult to report it while driving in traffic since I have to click on 3 difficult screens. If I could have an option to have that icon displayed on the main page then all Anyone would need to do is press the one icon and it would send in the report with less danger of taking your eyes off the…
0 votes -
un nouveau FEATURE qui sauve des vies
A l'honneur de
Chère équipe Waze,Je m'appelle Moshé Alalouf et je suis un inventeur et entrepreneur passionné par la sécurité routière. Je vous écris pour vous proposer une idée de nouveau FEATURE de prévention des accidents, basé sur un algorithme que j'ai développé. Le but de l'application est d'alerter automatiquement et en temps réel les conducteurs des situations dangereuses et de réduire considérablement les risques d'accidents.
Comme nous le savons, les accidents de la route sont l’une des principales causes de blessures et de décès dans le monde. Par exemple, selon un rapport de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé,…
1 vote -
in honor of Dear Waze Team, My name is Moshe Alalouf and I am an inventor and entrepreneur with a passion for road safety. I am writing to
in honor of
Dear Waze Team,My name is Moshe Alalouf and I am an inventor and entrepreneur with a passion for road safety. I am writing to you to propose an idea for a new accident prevention application, which is based on an algorithm I developed. The purpose of the application is to alert drivers automatically and in real time about dangerous situations and significantly reduce the risk of accidents.
As we know, road accidents are one of the main causes of injuries and death in the world. For example, according to a report by the World Health Organization,…
1 vote -
des application itinéraire plus rapide+choisire la forme de la voiture qui avait avent
itineraires il faudret une applie pour l'itinéraire plus rapide car quant je prent la route pour allé a une plasse il me fait passer sur les petite route qui a plus rapide et puis avent on pouvait choisire sa voiture et la on ne peux plus au debut avait mi un crosover et la on peux plus merci
1 vote -
Street number recognition
It would be great if Waze took you to the street number entered and not anywhere in the street. It is especially challenging on long roads, or if it's a t -Junction and you don't know whether to turn.left or right.
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More police presence options
Instead of just having a police warning we need more detail like rbts , police traveling opposite way , speed cameras
And an option to avoid those routes2 votes -
Optimize route for ease of driving , safety
At present there is no account of how difficult a route is ie windy , how many intersections or how dangerous ie windy or heavy traffic.
The routes options do display shortest time and shortest distance.
1 vote -
Different Communication Modes ie Polite mode , Rude mode etc
Why not have different modes. Such as Extra warning mode, Polite mode, Rude mode, Joke mode
2 votes -
Split major roads to reflect the reality of the situation
Major roads are often shown as one road when in reality they are two roads. These means alerts may refer to one side or the other causing confusion. For example is the police alert for the other side of the road or this side. Its an obvious flaw in the presentation of map data. The reality is not reflected by the maps.
1 vote -
Two vehicles in one account
I have a car where I look for the fastest way to arrive and a motorcycle where I want to avoid highways and look for beautiful roads.
Can I have two vehicles in one account to profile my roads!?2 votes -
3 idées pour faciliter l'usage de Waze
1) Je pense qu'il serait utile de permettre de rentrer les coordonnées géographiques (longitude et latitude) de la destination.
2) Pouvoir sélectionner un lieu sur la carte, en cliquant dessus, permettrait de choisir une destination que l'on connaît mais sans en avoir l'adresse.
3) il serait utile de pouvoir enregistrer sa position actuelle directement dans Waze (sans devoir se l'envoyer par message) pour pouvoir
y retourner facilement.2 votes -
Warning for rest areas
Can we have a messege/warning on the map for rest areas
3 votes -
Waze realiza cambios de ruta y no hay ahorro de tiempo significativo
Waze realiza cambios de ruta y a veces hay que hacer maniobras complicadas pero la mayoría de las veces no hay ahorro de tiempo significativo. Se debería poder programar que solo indique el cambio de ruta cuando el tiempo ahorrado estimado sea mayor de 5 minutos o el tiempo que elijamos. No he encontrado la forma de hacerlo.
1 vote -
The ability to report police for both sides of traffic singularly instead lf separately
Title explains it
1 vote -
Another notification
Send an alert at a certain distance before reaching the desired goal place
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Remember a location
when driving if you come upon a geographic location or landmark, even though there is no specific address, you should be able to peg or save this location , giving it a name so that it can be located again at a future time (for example a beautiful lighthouse )
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Include Bangla voice to Waze
Please include bangla voice to Waze. This is the sweetest language and only the language in the world people fought for it as a long time Wazer I really like to see Bangla voice on Waze
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Android Auto Search Navigation is clunky
When searching and entering in text (from phone or car), once you have presented a list of possibilities, in order to select one I have to press “Up” to get out of the text entry; this then selects the “task bar” so I press “Right” to get back to Waze; and then I have to dial down to the desired item before finally clicking on it. At the very least “Up” should exit the text entry and jump immediately to the first item on your list. Even better, something like “Down” could exit the text entry and automatically select the…
1 vote
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