Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
OCR Fuel/Gas price board
Stopping to record the current price of gas is a pain.
Why not leverage of Googles powerful image recognition engine and allow users to quickly grab a picture of the fuel/gas price board out the front of stations.6 votes -
Swap the speed limit & notifications on the map
Swap the speed limit & notifications on the map. The speed limit should be in the circle (opaque) and actual speed in the b&w box. Reading the circle is difficult for actual speed.
6 votes -
Opção de imagem no envio de UR
Adicionar a opção de imagem no envio de alerta sobre problemas no mapa. Ajudará na solução de UR's mesmo quando não houver resposta do usuário.
6 votes -
Valoración del entorno por donde va la ruta recomendada.
Utilice la aplicación en Perú para ir del centro de Lima al Aeropuerto, la optimización de ruta bien pero no valora el entorno de la misma. Es una app de de recorridos, pero estaría bien que los usuarios pudieran añadir una valoración de la zona por donde pasan, por ejemplo: "peligroso" o "inseguro". Lo comento porque nos llevo por una zona peligrosa, cuando eres residente lo puedes evitar, pero como extranjeros uno no tiene idea de por dónde te puede llevar.
6 votes -
Adding a new ZTL area pass...
I’d find useful adding a new local ZTL (traffic restricted area) pass, if not yet listed.
6 votes -
Use governmental gas price database in Germany
In Germany there is a database with official and up to date (delay of under 5 minutes, probably more like 1 minute) database with gas prices. All gas stations have to report their prices to that database.
It would be great if Waze would use that database. The information is free and many apps that use it exist (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.mobilesoftwareag.clevertanken , https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=de.msg)
More details here: https://www.bundeskartellamt.de/DE/Wirtschaftsbereiche/Mineral%C3%B6l/MTS-Kraftstoffe/mtskraftstoffe_node.htmlSimilar projects might exist in other countries too. If any of the users know about similar databases elsewhere, please comment here.
Thank you!
6 votes -
Electrical Map in Puerto Rico will attract millions users
Adding and Electrical Map, will give Waze a millions of users!
Since Hurricane Maria, hundreds of roads and bridges where destroyed, signs that does not exist anymore, and roads with a mile of holes. Lately it is so dificult to drive on some roads. Specially those without electricuty jet, 7 month later of hurricane Maria.
Letting people tag place without electricity, not only give the driver the alert, but will atract a thousand, even million ppl in the island, to repport their house or street.
Also with a so worldwide use app, will make pressure on local agencies to accelerate…6 votesAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
Zoom - integrated car displays (Android Auto)
The zoom functionality is awful currently when using Android Auto with an in-car display. Google maps allows easy zooming using the rotatable knob (identical and in line with volume on a VW). Can this become a feature for Waze?? It's so distracting and dangerous trying to zoom when driving, a quick turn either way (like Google maps has) will be much better.
6 votes -
Arrows for one way streets
Please add arrows to one way streets! It would be SO helpful when you want to try to go a different route in the city to know if the surrounding streets are one way and which direction it goes.
6 votes -
Automatically break up long routes
Waze has a hard time calculating long (several hundred miles) trips, because of all the data it tracks. The solution is to break your trip up into shorter segments. I propose to have Waze do this automatically.
When a very long trip is requested, have Waze calculate the route, then set the person's destination to an intermediate point. When they reach that point, set it to the next intermediate point, etc., ending up at their final destination. This would ease the lag in the app when, for instance, Waze has to re-calculate your 800-mile route. Instead, it would only be…
6 votes -
Voice directions
Please add voice directions in Slovenian language and CNG stations on the map.
6 votes -
Most people loves the Tesla cockpit screen ! I love it, it would be nice if the Waze app could have similar features and skins. Obd2 option
Most people loves the Tesla cockpit screen ! I love it, it would be nice if the Waze app could have similar features and skins. Obd2 option Is a great combo and maybe a DIY on other apps that could be placed like widgets or similar
6 votes -
Click on someone else's report, either side of road, and say if it's not there.
Be able to click on someone else's report, either side of road, and say if it's not there. For instance, police and vehicles on side of road.
6 votes -
The directional notification display is too big. Make it smaller 1 line at the top of the screen.
The directional notification display is too big that it covers nearly half of the screen. Make it 1 line at the top of the svreen
6 votes -
dovete mettere anche il Meteo lungo il percorso! Consumerebbe un sacco di dati, ram e batteria, però sarebbe favoloso, poter vedere il meteo nella città destinataria e magari in quelle vicine dettate dalla mappa.
Grazie a tutti, ottima applicazione, mi trovo sempre bene quando la uso!
6 votes -
Wase poderia armazenar em log quando passamos por um radar em velocidade acima da estabelecida como limite, para consulta posterior
Wase poderia armazenar em log quando passamos por um radar em velocidade acima da estabelecida como limite, para consulta posterior, pois algumas vezes ficamos em duvida se ultrapassamos a velocidade permitida
6 votes -
Gas stations hours of store and 24 hour pay at pump service
Often gas stations and the attached convenience stores have different hours of use if the pumps feature a pay at pump option. Would be great if for gas stations if there was a "24H pay at pump" checkbox option and editors were directed to update such station with hours to reflect when the location is open for "full service". Client could be updated to include those station in fuel such with a note that at arrive time store is closed and that pay at pump is only option (some people like me use cash).
6 votes -
צילום מהלך הנסיעה
קיום יש הרבה רכבים שיש להם מצלמת דרך .
היה נחמד אם היה אפשרות שיהיה צילום דרך האפליקציה , לראות את המצלמה או פשוט שתעבוד ברקע
זה יחסוך בקניית מצלמה וזה גם מאוד יעיל6 votes -
"landscape" phone holder
Currently my phone holder is in "landscape" position. The problem is that the 3D (or birdview) paramertes are same with the portrait position, so the area front of the car is smaller ( I can see only few km forward)
If I navigate and I get a warning (eg. traffipax) half of the screen is covered... so my "foresight" is more reduced
I have 2 suggestions:
- "adjustable" (or auto) birdview-sight angle/height: if there are 20km "foresight" in portrait position, let the same distance in landscape position
- navigation and warning "bars" let the same size in every position... and…6 votes -
Scan traffic while we sleep
The option to punch in how long it takes you to get ready.
Example, I take 12 minutes from the time I wake up to the time I'm leaving my house.
Waze scans the traffic for you while you're sleeping and will wake you up with an alarm if traffic is heavy and you should leave earlier than usual.
I thought of this idea yesterday when I left at the time that uaually makes me 30 minutes EARLY for work. I wasnt aware that there was 3 accidents on the freeway while I was still sleeping. Now instead of being…
6 votes
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