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17365 results found

  1. Give us a target speed in traffic jams to help Waze users optimize average throughput

    I recently read this article:

    It talks about how going slower and keeping more space between your car and other cars can actually improve the flow of traffic when it's all jammed up. It also explains how autonomous cars will make this work much better, but also indicates that we can help improve things now by changing our driving behavior.

    The article also explains how the highway patrol sometimes sends cars through traffic jams on the highway to break it up and re-channelize it.

    If the Waze app could give users a target speed based on traffic conditions, and…

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  2. A Printable Manual

    I think Waze needs a concise, indexed, printable manual that covers all topics and that's undated frequently. Even after looking at the FAQs, I'm still trying to figure out what a "wave" is an how to implement it.

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  3. Make Traffic Slowdowns More Visible when using Directions

    Invert the color scheme when using directions so the purple stripe is not overshadowing traffic red/yellow/orange. Example:

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  4. Make a difference between a solo police speed radar control and traject control.

    When you enter a traject speed control zone, it would be great to have a time bar in the display, just the way it is shown during traffic jam. Off course for traject speed contole zone, it should be in a other color

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  5. Proximity routing for Home/Work

    Many people use waze on a daily basis as a way to avoid traffic. We know how to get home or to work, and sometimes our work places have multiple entrances. These entrances don't always trigger waze that you have arrived, so even once I'm in the building, suddenly I hear waze trying to route me through the office hallways from my pocket.....

    A new feature called "proximity routing" that the user can enable for their "home/work" locations would take care of this problem. Once the driver gets close, waze would indicate you have arrived and go into sleep mode.…

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  6. Set up "Next time I'm passing this location" reminders

    I propose an option to remind me of a task I need to do when I am close to a particular location... I set a reminder to pop up and/or a spoken notification when I am within a selected distance to a selected location... eg: Remind me to pick up new windscreen wiper blades when I'm in the vicinity of the auto spares shop....or...Remind me to drop into Tom's and pay him for my tickets.... This could be linked to my calendar though a sperate in app option may be better because calendars are for specific times and dates and…

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  7. Interface - needs to revert to 3.x

    The new interface looks childish and is unusable in landscape mode. The next instruction box at the top is too big. The notifications are horribly big, and the ones that show when you stop at a traffic light are worse, with the black background.
    The map looks drawn by a 4 years old in crayon, seems to lack a lot of the information it had on v3.x., the map lines are too wide.
    Having functions that only show when you tap the screen is very bad in usability terms.
    To top all that, the interface is so heavy that it…

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  8. The 'Parked here' function should be manual not auto.

    The 'Parked Here' thing could have been cool but is useless as is. Nobody knows how it works. It should be a manual selection just like a road report so you can manual set where you parked. Not dependent on some conditions related to not moving or something. Fix that please.

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  9. Improve display for alternate routs

    When alternate routs are displayed, the route description is displayed in small, grey, hard to read font. A larger and darker font would help.
    This option of alternate routs is useful during drive to conclude if a suggested "exotic" route really save significant time.

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  10. Add the ability to use emoji in the app and Waze Map Editor

    The ability to type emoji into chat and reports in the app would be a nice addition. Adding this ability to Waze Map Editor would also be nice as it would allow typing emoji into Update Request comments and the chat window.

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  11. show pot hole locations on live maps

    On Live Maps show the locations of reported pot holes. This way any local town can reference what is reported and fix the holes quickly.

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  12. Post the destination address,arriving time, somewhere,then it can be queried.

    Post the destination address and arriving time, somewhere, then it can be queried by other apps.
    To be able to turn on the thermostat to heat the house automatically when starting to home.

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  13. Waze voice command

    The prompts for the voice command should not only be audio, but visual as well, with specific prompts, and readable from a distance.

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  14. Enable option for Photos taken of places to be uploaded later when WIFI network is possible...

    Enable option for Photos taken of places to be uploaded later when Wifi is possible for users, since in this way we are saving mobile internet quota or having bad internet network true mobile network.
    I had taken several photos of places but could not upload it at the time since mobile network was not so good, or I spent all my internet quota for that month.

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  15. Add "time to park" in calendar synch.

    I have several meetings to drive to every day. Some take 15-20 minutes to park and get to the meetings. I would love a field to add that parking time, to better calculate the "time to go" function. I could use a fake time in my calendar, but with multiple meetings in a day one others relying on my calendar, that doesn't work well.

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  16. Map

    It is too hard to see the traffic delays, speed of the tragic on particular roads, what kind of hazard is being reported. The map before this was very user friendly and it was super easy to glance at the map and decide which areas/roads to avoid. Now I have to really analyze the map and bring the map into zoom so much that the road names are no longer listed. I now check the other apps to glance over the traffic and rely less on Waze

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  17. 'Wazers Around Me' and 'Reports'

    I like the idea of getting 'Wazers Around Me' and 'Reports' on 'start-up' of the app. However, it seems its the ONLY time this information is available. Is there a quick way of getting this info AFTER the app has been activated and in use?

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  18. Condomínio de Casas

    Sugestão para adicionar Condomínio de Casas pois existem no Brasil

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  19. Make the police position unavailable during terrorist attack

    I suggest that waze suppress the police position in case of terrorist attack. Indeed, I am French and was in Paris last Friday 13th of November. On Saturday morning I went in the north when saw a suspicious car with black window that was going very fast and was dangerous for other cars. It may be the 8th terrorist that the police didn't caught yet. I saw this car leaving the main road just before the police could have arrest this car. May be it was not a terrorist but there should be some specific case during which the…

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  20. Serbian voice for serbian wazers

    Our current options are Croatian and English, i believe more people would use it here if there was our own voice.

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