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17484 results found

  1. Advance

    Adding on the highways in residential area. Also information on area were there dear on the residential highways like route US 29

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  2. Setting that controls Shut down prompt appearance

    Add a setting that controls Shutdown confirmation prompt “Do you want to shutdown Waze?” with options:

    • Always ask
    • Do not show
    • Do not show when sharing data

    The default value would be Always ask as it is now but the option Do not show when sharing data would minimize clicks when Waze is started from another app.

    I.e. Dacia Media Control has a widget for Waze. When Dacia Media Control starts Waze, the Dacia logo appears in a bubble saying that the application is sharing data with Media Control. It would be very convenient to get back…

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  3. personalizar alertas favoritos

    Sugiro que cada usuário possa selecionar alertas favoritos na tela de navegação do app. A maioria dos alertas que publico exigem 5 toques sequenciais para enviar, mas, se eles fossem personalizáveis, eu já poderia deixá-los salvos na tela inicial dos alertas, então bastaria clicar no alerta específico da situação e enviar
    Isto economizaria vários segundos de tempo e menor desvio na atenção com o trânsito.

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  4. דיווח לאופנועים על כביש מגולח ומחורץ

    , אני לא רואה שיצרתם יתרון לכך שאני מוגדרת באפליקציה כרוכבת אופנוע
    אתמול נסעתי באיילון, נדמה לי שבין לה גרדיה לבין ההלכה, ולפתע היה מיקטע של כביש מגולח ומחורץ
    וכמעט איבדתי שליטה! אני מציעה שמי שמוגדר כאופנוע - תציעו לו מראש בבחירת הנתיבים התראה על הכביש המחורץ.
    ובנוסף, לשים התראה קולית (כמו מד מהירות לפניך) לגבי הכביש המחורץ.
    בפירוש, כל נהגי הדו גלגלי, בעיקר קטנועים, יבחרו נתיב אחר, וזה שירות חשוב מאין כמוהו ומציל חיים בעיניי.
    תודה ומקווה שההגדרות היו ברורות

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  5. Travaux

    Bonjour, serait il possible de rajouter des travaux mobile. Je tombe souvent sur un panneau de travaux sur la banquette et l'obstacle du tracteur qui coupe l'herbe beaucoup plus loin ou dans l'autre sens. Si bien que lorsqu'on avertit il peut être trop tard car le tracteur s'est déplacé.

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  6. BP STATION Disappear on Prefered Gas Station List in Poland

    BP STATION Disappear on Prefered Gas Station List in Poland

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  7. Licence number added?

    Dear Support!
    Can you plane to create Licence number profile when i started the route?
    Because i have 2 cars with different Highway stickers!
    So i have to carefully when started my waze app.

    Another question: Why i get too many country highway stickers when i would like to selected only my country stickers!? Because usually i don't plane to leave my country(Hungary)?
    Thx a lot.

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  8. Prea multe detalii la indicarea direcției de mers.

    Eliminarea menționări numelui străzilor pe care urmează să ne deplasam . Pierdem esențialul, adică chiar directia pe care trebuie să mergem.

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  9. Que sea la ruta mas Corta ya sea como ponga las Direcciones

    Por que si pongo El punto A que esta a 5km y luego el Punto B que esta a 2km me hace la ruta más corta pero si lo hago al revés me hace hacer un muy largo viaje

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  10. Alertas de TRABAJOS en la VIA

    Que WAZE sea alimentado por las Carreteras y el MOP de Chile para alertar de TRABAJOS en las Vias y asi evitar muertes por accidentes transito

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  11. Bloqueo de Rutas

    Buenas tardes, lun placer escribirles, es sugiero colocar como vias bloqueadas o restringidas a la ruta que se usará para la media maraton del domingo 21 de Agosto durante la duracion de dicho evento, a fin de evitar inconvenientes a la hora de solicitar una ruta para un viaje, gracias

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  12. 1 vote

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  13. Indicaciones en color azul

    Las indicaciones en color azul no se ven con claridad deberían ser de otro color,rojo por ejemplo y de voz para una conducción segura

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  14. Sugestão

    Tem um problema com o Waze no meu trecho aqui de Cascavel até Correntina que tem a falsos extremamente ruins e nenhuma opção para eu fazer um percurso melhor eu gostaria que me ajudassem a configurar o Waze para fazer um trajeto melhor que forte menos a suspensão do meu carro

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  15. Display bug onAndroid Auto

    I can't find a way to notify a bug, so here it is as an improvement proposal:
    When I plan a drive on the phone before plugin the phone to the car, I don't get anymore alerts and display of speed in Android Auto.
    If Waze is off on the phone when I connect to the car, and I start the itinerary in Android Auto, everything is fine.
    I connect using USB-C cable, and phone is Fairphone 3 with Android 10, but I saw it on other phone brands as well

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  16. Waze ask if “Have you arrived at your destination?”. Very important in urban settings and with one-way streets!

    Waze to ask “Have you arrived at your destination?” before stopping navigation. When searching for parking especially in urban locations and one-way streets you may drive past your final destination multiple times, and losing navigation can be very frustrating.

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  17. atualizar sistema de login no VOLKSWAGEN Nivus

    Atualizar APP na central VOLKSWAGEN Nivus permitindo login mais rápido com QRCODE tal qual para login da WEB.

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  18. Appointment mode for client/ kid appointments

    Implement client/kid appointment feature for parents and personal service business like nurses,social workers,etc:

    1. Automatically add a location to pick up a kid/ client BEFORE navigating to dropoff location based on appointment time

    2. Automatically schedule a reverse 2-stop navigation if driver inputs an appointment end time. 2nd stop should default to client's original pickup location but allow driver to edit if client is being dropped off to a different location.

    3. Optimize Navigation so drivers are on same side of the street for safe dropoff. It's a nightmare being late to appointments because destination is on the left on busy road, causing…

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  19. Appointment mode for clients and kids

    Implement client/kid appointment feature for parents and personal service business like nurses,social workers,etc:

    1. Automatically add a location to pick up a kid/ client BEFORE navigating to dropoff location based on appointment time

    2. Automatically schedule a reverse 2-stop navigation if driver inputs an appointment end time. 2nd stop should default to client's original pickup location but allow driver to edit if client is being dropped off to a different location.

    3. Optimize Navigation so drivers are on same side of the street for safe dropoff. It's a nightmare being late to appointments because destination is on the left on busy road, causing…

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  20. pick up/drop off for clients and kids

    Implement client/kid appointment feature for parents and personal service business like nurses,social workers,etc:

    1. Automatically add a location to pick up a kid/ client BEFORE navigating to dropoff location based on appointment time

    2. Automatically schedule a reverse 2-stop navigation if driver inputs an appointment end time. 2nd stop should default to client's original pickup location but allow driver to edit if client is being dropped off to a different location.

    3. Optimize Navigation so drivers are on same side of the street for safe dropoff. It's a nightmare being late to appointments because destination is on the left on busy road, causing…

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