Waze Suggestion Box
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17342 results found
הימנעות מאיזורים מסוימים
הייתי רוצה שתהיה לי אופציה להגדיר מאילו איזורים הייתי רוצה להמנע בארץ בטווח של קילומטרים מסוימים.
זאת אומרת שאם אני מבצע נסיעה לטבריה, הייתי רוצה שיהיה מוגדר לי שלא אעבור דרך טייבה / קלנסוואה וגם לא קרוב לאיזור.
תתנו את האופציה הזו, כבר שנים אני מבקש את זה.1 vote -
Please go back to SIMPLICITY
You guys are getting way too fancy and elaborate now. I don’t need the information to the place I’m going to. More importantly, the only thing we should see on the top banner is WHERE WE ARE GETTING OFF AT!! The last update put me on a major highway and the only thing on the top banner now is how many more miles until I’m off the highway I’m on until the next set of directions. When living in a state like NY, there are so many exists that it’s easy to pass the suggested exit because it only shows…
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
ציון דקות שנחסכו בקול
שהעוזרת הקולית תציין במילים כמה דק' נחסכו
או להפך, זה ימנע מאתנו להסיט המבט לכיוון מס' הדק שנחסכו שכתובים בפונט די קטן ועלול לגרום לאסון1 vote -
Please ring the bell before the crossway, not just at the crossway
Please ring that nice bell before the crossway, not just at the crossway
1 vote -
Mettez la bonne adresse SVP !
Mettez la bonne adresse pour 13 rue de Cotonou , 94000 Créteil , France. J'habite EN HAUT de la rue et pas TOUT EN BAS ! Merci de Corriger le problème , je me fait livré comment ? Sinon??
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
optimization of visual information during navigation
The information areas on the screen about
- current speed
- time to target
- time at destination
- next street to take
are very small.
I would really appreciate if these information are bigger.1 vote -
Blink screen to prevent screen burn
Every minute or two, if waze is active, turn off the pixels just for a fraction of a second. It wouldn't be noticeable to the user, but I'd think the screen would be saved from burning.
1 vote -
1 vote
que información pueden ofrecer aparte de la que dan en la aplicación
aparte de la información ofrecida en la aplicación, ¿se puede obtener volumen de transito de un sector determinado en tiempo real?
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Jackée Harry voice pack
Please engage actress Jackée Harry about doing a voice pack! Hers is iconic! Thank you!
1 vote -
התראה על משאית זבל ברחובות צרים מדי
תתארו לכם שאתם ממש ממהרים לעבודה כי יש לכם פגישה חשובה עם לקוח ואז אתם מגלים שהמשאית זבל רק התחילה את המסלול שלה ואין לכם מוצא
1 vote -
Space jams movie 2
Characters from space jams the movie 2
1 vote -
Светофарна камера
Моля, направете опция за изключване на това предупреждение. При шофиране в голям град, на всеки 500м получавам това предупреждение.
1 vote -
Directions that don't take you through a private business, that is gated
I work for Uber in San Antonio and there are some places it tells me to go through a private business or University and those places are for businesses only and have gates. Then I have to back up and try to find a different way.
1 vote -
User name
Spaces and full names should be required and allowed
1 voteHey,
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
telechargement de map pour utilisation hors ligne ou avec peut de réseau
pouvoir telecharger la map, pour une utilisation hors ligne ou avec peut de réseaux.
Je travaille toute la journée avec waze et c'est trés frustrant de partir de chez un client et de devoir changer de gps ou de faire de la route jusqu'a retrouver du réseau pour pouvoir rentrer une nouvelle adresse. Parfois même avec du réseau celui-ci étant inssufisant il faut valider plusieur fois l'adresse pour avoir un résultat.
A part ce petit souci , je trouve votre gps génial, Merci !1 vote -
the accuracy of the live traffic information need to greatly improve uk
the live traffic information hardly ever is accurate, sometimes indicate there is a heavy traffic, but when I took the route, there was no traffic at all, other times there was showed no traffic, but when drove along the route, there was heavy traffic. On the whole, the the live traffic information accuracy is very low, I felt I could not depend on.
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Vincular estacionamiento con un lugar
Poder vincular un estacionamiento con un lugar específico, así el buscador podrá mostrar el estacionamiento vinculado al lugar que estamos buscando aunque esté marcado como restringido (exclusivo para clientes)
1 vote -
put an inquiry option to contact us
put an inquiry option to contact us
1 vote -
Map off centered
hi, i hope that u can solve the off center issue when we horizontal rotate our phone or using waze on tablet. It is really irritates.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
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