Add "Residential Street" as an Additional Road Type
There tend to be situations in which neighborhoods and suburban communities have systems of roads such that there are a few feeder roads that are intended to serve a network of smaller residential streets. In the current state of the map editor, it can be difficult to map such areas so that traffic is generally directed along the streets with higher speed limits and fewer driveways. Usage of the prioritizing functions and setting certain segments as private roads helps a bit to alleviate this problem. I am suggesting a new idea.
Create a road type "residential street" for roads that should be generally avoided by through traffic. These roads might, for example, cause a routing penalty, discouraging using long stretches of residential streets or the routing system routing traffic to cut through neighborhoods. It may have a lower preference than a "street", but not carry as much as a penalty as a private road. The classification for residential streets may be optimally used for roads the primary purpose of which is to allow access to single-family residences or other low-density housing.
YogiJB commented
I'd suggest to reach out to your local map-editing community to figure out if the functional classification of the roads can be changed. Waze already prioritizes higher-class roads, such as collectors.