Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
You navigate me to a street that requires that I cross two heavily used lanes of traffic that does not stop - instead of routing me one block away which lets me cross the same street with a stop light. You need to consider these things in your navigation
Anonymous commented
Add roads to avoid with large RV or travel trailer to avoid switch backs, tunnels, narrow roads, dangerous curves.
Anonymous commented
Ne pas nous faire passer par des raccourcis inutiles ou chemin de terre ?! Et malheureusement , l'application est souvent perdu ?? Dans les petits villages avec de FAUSSES adresses en cul de sac parfois comme dans le Tarn ou l'Aveyron ??!!
Anonymous commented
Add a category for 18 wheelers and show truck stops on the map like Love’s Pilot, Flying J, Petro, TA, and mom and pop truck stops. Most drivers nowadays run Waze in a commercial motor vehicle.
Tommy commented
Would really appreciate a caravan mode on my Waze sat nav.
I use waze all the time but last week with the caravan was a night mare had to try and turn the caravan round on a country road. It wasn’t easy 😂😂 -
Edson commented
Olá bom dia meu nome é Edson sou motorista carreteiro muitas vezes o waze me jogou em situações complicadas e bem complicadas, sendo assim gostaria de pedir para vocês que desenvveram esse aplicativo de GPS que nos ajudem com rotas para veículos pesados, vocês já viram os caminhões ou " caminhoneiros parados com todas essas pandemias , então sendo assim elaborem rotas para veículos pesados por que já estou cansados de ver muitas menssagens nas principais rodovias com os dizeres " caminhoneiros nos precisamos de vocês " legal todos precisam da gente..! E quem pode nos ajudarem, estamos cansados de levarmos multas todos os dias, peço a vocês que nos ajudem, vai ter um dia que vocês vão ter que fazer nossos serviços, muitos já abandonaram essa profissão..!
Bill commented
I drive a commercial vehicle and I’m not allowed on parkways only with my vehicle. The app would be a lot better if it would just avoid the parkways, (not highways or freeways). Set it up to avoid any Parkway and it would be a great pleasure.
Bill commented
I drive a commercial vehicle and I’m not allowed on parkways only with my vehicle. The app would be a lot better if it would just avoid the parkways, (not highways or freeways). Set it up to avoid any Parkway and it would be a great pleasure.
Anonymous commented
Haha. Somebody copied my recommendations. Don't care. I will still vote.
anonyme commented
Bonjour l'option pour les véhicules type caravane camping-car ou poid lour
Serais bien venue car j'adore waze sauf quand je part en vacances me retrouver dans une rue trop petite ou un passage trop bas n'est pas drôle
On peut rarement faire demi-tour
Merci -
Anonymous commented
Or would be a grenat facture To and si I van use or with my rv
Anonymous commented
Opção para veículos de grande porte,evitando assim entrar em local proibido para carreta e caminhão
Anonymous commented
Add option to select a car with caravan/trailer
Anonymous commented
Agree that when towing a travel trailer, going the posted speed limit isn't an option. My top speed while towing is 65 MPH.
Anonymous commented
Por favor agreguen a la opción de tipo de vehículos, la camioneta doble cabina con carro de arrastre o remolque doble eje. Para las opciones de ruta. Saludos desde Temuco
Anonymous commented
Wazer é muito bom ...pra ficar completo, Precisamos a opção de caminhão nem que seja versão paga
Anonymous commented
Hi, I Have a Commercial Van How Waze Work For Commercial Van Thanks
Mek commented
Vcs poderiam criar uma opção de navegação para veiculos pessados caminhão! Pois temos restrições em algumas ruas .
Anonymous commented
Can I help you develop a truck version?
Crista commented
Routes for Trailers hauling livestock or show animals.
Sometimes people have 13-30 ft trailers and get lead down some donkey path and cant find a place to turn around. Safer for all if this could be supplied