Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
Many roads have bridges and different limitations and/or restrictions; by entering your complete vehicle info, waze could help tailor the best route for those which cannot use the regular and common roads and will provide Waze with a database of information regarding types of vehicles etc.
Otto Bauer commented
Please avoid parkwaze
Godard commented
Il serait pratique de pouvoir faire un itinéraire spécifique pour les véhicules avec caravane.
Anonymous commented
Yes please add an option for campers and trailers
Lotte commented
Exactly! Driving an old Austin Mini, I can't/I'd rather not drive 120-130km/h. Would be great to be able to set up max speed of the car in use. Now, the ETA is just a wild guess.
עידן דמארי commented
I would like to communicate with someone in charge
עידן דמארי commented
And Toxic substances and width restrictions
עידן דמארי commented
Waze should add an option of vehicle type setting like a truck for axemple thay have a weight limit or height limit, and then waze will direct you to ways you can pass without problems
Michael Owens commented
Beacuse Waze maps are more up to date then anyone else (Garmin and TomTom over a year out of date ) we need a Truck version
The community can make sure that lorry are NOT going the wrong way or under Low Bridges
I use a well known Truck sat nav as well as Waze but still can go wrong as truck one says it is ok to use a road because it is out of date the same day as the new maps come out
Anonymous commented
RVs should not be allowed to hog narrow roads in daylight hours
Takaouar commented
Ajouter une option trajet : "le plus Facile" ou "le plus simple : éviter les petites rues impossibles pour un bus/camping car, ou des complications de détours pour gagner 30 secondes...
A défaut de rentrer les dimensions d'un véhicule encombrant, pour ma part mon car/bus, pour beaucoup, camionnette ou camping-car... -
Anonymous commented
Add a section for Vans & Trucks. Where the maximum speed limit can be changed (Vans up 3.5t can only do 60mph on a dual carriage way).
Add a height and width restriction which the driver can enter the details of his vehicle.
Milan Lang commented
Dobrý den, chtěl bych se zeptat zda by aplikace Waze mohla podporovat i nákladní auta, že by se tam dala uvést váhá, výška, šířka a vedlo by to Truck normální cestou bez obav a né zákazy a vesnicemi kde tyto auta nemají co dělat, předem děkuji.
Anonymous commented
What is needed is the introduction of the maps restrictions on height and weight for trucks
milin momaya commented
It would be nice to have an option to navigate truck routes when needed but then shut it off for when I'm in my car.
Adam Button commented
An article just came out on describing how UPS trucks almost never make left turns in order to improve gas efficiency, reduce accidents, and speed up driving times. Perhaps Waze might consider altering its algorithms?
From the article:
"UPS trucks almost never take left-hand turns.
By favoring right-hand turns at all times -- unless a left is unavoidable -- the carrier saves millions of gallons of fuel each year, and avoids emissions equivalent to over 20,000 passenger cars.
The practice started decades ago, before computers and GPS, and is now managed by a software that conjures the most efficient route for each truck."Full article at
Thanks for your consideration.
Camaieu8 commented
ça voudrai être une super grand aide !!
Challain commented
Et pour les camping car
Didier.Vosges commented
Bonjour. J'avais pensé qu'il aurait été intéressant de faire des options pour les camions. Hauteurs des ponts, interdiction des poids,vitesses poids lourds..
Anonymous commented
add truck load limits. neighbors and cities are frustrated with overweight trucks whose drivers say they were directed on a route with posted weight limits. Dangerous, expensive on the road infrastructure, as well as annoying.