Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Terry Williams commented
At present we have to buy a special GPS to handle driving with a big rig to stay away from trees and low clearance problems
Pascal commented
Bravo pour votre travail. Il serait bon de pouvoir intégrer ces propres favoris et un itinéraire dédié aux poids lourds serait le bien venu. Merci -
Rick commented
Please do. Thanks.
Rick commented
Please add truck and tour bus routes. We need to avoid over passes that are to low, roads that prohibit commercial vehicles and roads/bridges/tunnels with weight/hazmat limitations.
Tom Pijls commented
Hi, started using Waze a month ago in Paris, and altough it's a great improvement compared to traditional navigation solutions, I noticed the estimations often are quite off. I believe it could be linked to the high density of motor cycles driving in paris, falsifying average speeds quite significantly resulting in much longer drive times (up to 50%) than suggested by waze. Identifying in the preferences if you're a motor cycle or a car, could filter out these differences?
Adam commented
The routing server times out every time to all locations. Even when i have 100 percent connection...
Adam commented
Add a Truck Route for Truck Drivers that haul Hazmat . And low bridges under 13ft 6'' are a huge problem.
Lennie commented
Make tractor-trailer navigation/ maps available
Jorris Chaminade commented
Cause of different speed limits, travel time is not the same. There are different max load roads forbidden for trucks too.
Junior commented
I wish you guys add truck route,will make our life easy,I'm a truck driver and love your sistem
Quantos commented
Can you improve the client with a sort of "cruise control" for the speed?
In the function I set a maximum speed not to be exceeded and if I go faster waze return me an alarm! -
索朗傑佈 commented
Hi i love this app since i use it ~~ i hope u guyz can add a report for truck route and trucker report or something~~because trucker get catch by police in local route so easy.
orla commented
Would it be possible to set road/street properties?
If possible to set limitations on à street.
Ex. Max weight, Max height. Even open times. Ex 06-23 (cities) or april-october ( closed during winter)
Or dec-mar (ice roads)And then you should be able to set your vehicle properties in My Waze. Weight, height.
Maybe Even be able to have more then one wehicle stored. Ex you drive à truck daytime and your car otherwise.Just ideas to improve The already most innovative and smartest GPS there is.
dedwards commented
When traveling with a group of cars be able to designate a leader. The other clients then try to follow that leader, but they do know the final destination. If needed, follow the leader mode can be aborted and the client then routes to the the final destination. The starting could be allowed by linking with account name, bluetooth, or something like bump.
Eric Chenal commented
voila, j'ai quelques suggestions a apporter a waze,
*serait-il possible d'avoir le choix d'autoriser les peages ou non?
*sur les futures mises a jours serait-il possible d'avoir une option de recherche de wazer par nom?
*et enfin pour les routiers, leur permettre de choisir des itineraires poids lourd?