Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Rarebit commented
This seems like an excessive option: very useful for a small fraction of the user base but useless for 99.99% of the rest.
Patrick Calvert commented
Have a towing option. Could calculate arrival on towing speed of the state. Could also route around congested areas. Also could have community alert on bad towing areas.
Howie commented
Truck drivers who carry hazardous material have to take hazmat routes in some cities, they cannot just drive straight through the middle of the city. It would be nice to have the option to take hazmat routes.
Ulises Zepeda commented
Estaría genial para quienes nos dedicamos al transporte de carga
steve commented
I love waze but we need a camper or caravan function.
Miguel Angel Hernández commented
Differentiate the roads so they can distinguish between cargo buses and cars
Anonymous commented
Yes! RV friendly please!!!
Andy commented
I currently have a Garmin NUVI 660 that has a truck option. Not sure about height/weight restrictions, but it will route me around car only roads when towing my trailer, or using a rental truck. It shouldn't be that difficult since the tech has been around for many years with Garmin. Reporting options would also be a good feature, and would assist in updating the maps as more people add data such as overpass height, narrow roads/bridges, weight limits, etc...
Clive Pinchbeck commented
Option to avoid narrow roads and bridges would be great. I love Waze but not when driving our motorhome!
Clive Pinchbeck commented
Option to avoid narrow roads and bridges would be great. I love Waze but not when driving our motorhome!
sejtam commented
Also, profiles should be fungible, is I should be able to create a copy of an existing profile and then make tiny changes to that, rather than having to start all over again.
ideally, profiles should be stored centrally so they can be retrieved from each device
sejtam commented
Yes. Almost all settings should be controlled by a selectable profile, so that one does not have to change many settings to readjust for each (common) driving/riding style. this should include the vehicle icon on the map (as a quick way to see that it's the correct profile)
What I'd like to be able to do
a) on my motorbike
- use a motorbike icon
- show a MB avatar
- be in 'behicle type: motorbike' mode
+ be less concerned with traffic jams (they should calculate the route as slower but not as slow as for cars as we can lane-split)
++ lane-splitting should be selectable (legal/illegal in diff locations, some bikers never do etc)
+ Waze shoudl STAY ON and perform VOICE GUIDANCE with the screen while on teh bike (the phone may be in my pocket, not charging but I want the voice guidance output)
+ toll charges apply differently than on a car
+ parking applies different charges (eg here I have almost city wide concessin parking on my bike, while in the car I need to pay)
+ weather impact is more severb) in my car
prefer different roads than on the bike
jams really slow you down
parking is more expensive -
Nick commented
This would make a big difference for truckers or bus drivers. It could be just another vehicle option like the new motorcycle option.
Anonymous commented
Routs for RV's, travel trailers, 5th wheels, motor homes, etc. No U-turns, warnings for narrow roads, avoidances for roads that have many switch backs, additional traffic concerns related to RVers such as steep grades, windy conditions, and unsafe for large and long vehicles.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Really like using wake mith our car. I still try and use it pulling a 40’ fifth wheel across the us. Hav e had a few issues where we got on rather small roads that we did not belong on. Perhaps a compromise could be reached by at least adding a filter for large trailers just to try and keep us out of bad situations. Just a little help would be great and appreciated.
Anonymous commented
Acho o waze muito prático, um pouco mais pesado do que a concorrência, porém por todos recursos que tem, acredito que o torna assim, então vale apena! Só acho que como todo gps (pelo menos os que conheço) focam muito em trânsito de carros de passeio, quando muitas vezes carros utilitários (caminhões e etc...) acabam atrapalhando ainda mais o trânsito de quaisquer cidade... Porque ainda não existe uma opção voltada a motoristas de cargas (como eu), para evitar passar por locais que não nos é destinado e por locais de trânsito pesado dos quais muitas vezes existem rotas melhores para nosso porte (mesmo que aumente alguns km's). Acho bem pré-histórico os aplicativos gps não terem uma função meio que direta ao caminhoneiro já que somos bem importantes pro país e todos reclamam tanto que atrapalhamos muito em questão de trânsito...(o que acabo concordando)
Kris commented
I need a parkways feature to avoid parkways in The NYC area for my commercial van. Would be a HUGE help, there are no apps with this
Anonymous commented
I love Waze and would pay for this add on and with plenty of people out there with caravans and motorhomes (around 800,000 in the UK) I am sure it would be worth it.
Anonymous commented
I was considering buying a ne sat nav which has support for caravans (father in law has one), I have only recently found Waze and that's about the only thing stopping it being my perfect Sat Nav Solution. Please look into it, would be willing to pay for an add on and I know many people would !, I also know how you could promote it after spending the time developing.