Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Scott frost commented
Would love this app even more if it took into account rv restrictions
Angel Garcia commented
Post Bridge Clearances and Bridge maximum weights so that no heavy 18 wheelers or heavy trucks can't pass on. This will be good for commercial Waze integration for companies such as food deliveries companies or commercial companies that use maps to deliver products locally. Genius!
Anonymous commented
Do you have or planning to have a Waze option for large motorhomes? Often the routes suggested to avoid traffic are roads too small for motorhomes or large trucks
Mike Metro -
Anonymous commented
When towing my caravan, I do not travel on the highway at the speed-limit of 120km/h but rather in the vicinity of 100km/h. This means the ETA is out. It would be a nice feature if I can set my max speed limit for a trip, with my towing combination, and the ETA is calculated based on that.
Ron Plummer commented
Please add an option to at minimum avoid parkways and/or roads small commercial trucks (i.e. rental cargo vans) are prohibited on.
Chuck commented
I was pulling a popup camper and was mistakenly routed to use Passenger Vehicle Only parkways. My main concern for my trip was not so much Arrival Time expectations, but getting 'talked' into using no permitted routes.
I also noticed others during my trip on these same parkways. That is dangerous and illegal as some campers are traveling with exposed Propane tanks or are oversized.
Come on, it's 2016. Please add a feature to no only to avoid toll roads, but to allow proper roads for those who pulling trailers or large trucks.
I really love using Waze, but how this feature has never been implemented sounds bizarre to me.
Turn on Waze -> Enter destination address -> Select 'Yes' or 'No' is using non-passenger vehicle -> create appropriate route.
Anonymous commented
You have 4 Porsche types and no Pick Ups....
..... I think a lot more people on Waze drive Pick Up trucks then all those fancy cars -
Bill James commented
Hear, hear!
Aimee Kidd commented
Please provide horse trailer friendly routes. Many times these trips are to a major veterinary facility due to a physical distress that requires us to get the horse there as comfortably as possible. Sharp turns and winding twisting up and down mountain routes are not acceptable. Especially when the facility employees have found a very reasonable and not overly long route. Thank you
Anonymous commented
אחלה gps רק חבל שהוא לא מתאים לנהגי משאיות
Anonymous commented
Un filtro u opcion para indicar la altura máxima del vehículo. Así los que conducimos camiones no nos meterían por túneles demasiado pequeños.
Jacob Høegh commented
It could also be helpful to simply be able to type in a max speed you can to travel. That would be helpful if you are towing a trailer and never can exceed 100kph/62mph.
Also useful of you want to eco drive on the highway, -
Kester Goodwin commented
add routing to avoid the Royal parks in and around London for trade vehicles. e.g Trucks, Vans
Steven Abramson commented
I think this would would well used, when I drive it seems like that truck are way more than 50 % of the road traffic
Mitch Blevins commented
All of us truckers want a option to tell waze what vehicle we are driving so it can give us the fastest routes we are aloud to take. To avoid low bridges an weight/restricted roads. We use waze every day and love it!! But we often times end up where we are not aloud. An we wanna know why ios recieves reports 5 minutes faster then android. That has been tested on all up to date new devices on several carriers. Same settings on all devices. That gets frustrating to us when ios users get a report to exit the highway by the time android users get it, it is to late. Example ios gets a 10min delay pop up a android user will not know until half that delay is over. Many times in my experience running with other truckers to the same destination the IOS trucker may get a report to exit with a new route arive early an the Android user riding right beside him wont get that until he passes the exit. So the ios truck now has to call the android user to inform him to exit. Ios users have beaten android users to there destination by several hours in my experience. Please fix this an make waze trucker friendly. Alot of the police reports an hazzards come from us truckers please think about us truckers if anyone has great gps ideas just ask a trucker we live on the road. Truckers need this add on our daily lives Thank you for what you are doing
Anonymous commented
Even the best truck navigation devices don't work well for my commercial vehicle, I drive a light duty pickup truck, with no specific restrictions other than the fact that it is registered commercial, I love the Waze app, what would help me the most is if I could simply by pass parkways, or if on the turn by turn list I could tap on the parkway and select avoid this road. I sometime select alternate routs, and all three choices will have a parkway listed, I find my self guessing on the turns to avoid a parkway, and hoping Waze will eventually pick up a route on its own that is not a parkway.
Wilson Rosario commented
Please bump this up,i would love this feature for Waze.
GigaaG commented
Trucks are almost 5% of all traffic in the US (1). But there isn't a great navigation app yet. Waze should create an option / app for truckers.
Editors can give in the following restrictions:
- Closed for trucks / RV's;
- Closed for vehicles longer than X meter / feet;
- Closed for vehicles wider than X meter / feet;
- Closed for vehicles higher than X meter / feet;
- Closed for vehicles with an axle load more than X tons;
- Closed for vehicles heavier than X tons;
- Closed for trucks with hazardous substances;
- Closed for vehicles with more than X axles.
Truckers give in the data of the truck and the max. speed (ETA).
This feature creates a whole new audience for Waze.Forum topic:
(1) - Source
Antonio commented
Ma non si può inserire la modalità caravan/autocaravan così si evitano i percorsi con strade strette e ponti bassi.
guy le navenec commented
pouvoir spécifier une hauteur de véhicule, afin d'éviter de se trouver bloquer avec des passages avec des hauteurs limite à 2m