Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
GigaaG commented
Trucks are almost 5% of all traffic in the US (1). But there isn't a great navigation app yet. Waze should create an option / app for truckers.
Editors can give in the following restrictions:
- Closed for trucks / RV's;
- Closed for vehicles longer than X meter / feet;
- Closed for vehicles wider than X meter / feet;
- Closed for vehicles higher than X meter / feet;
- Closed for vehicles with an axle load more than X tons;
- Closed for vehicles heavier than X tons;
- Closed for trucks with hazardous substances;
- Closed for vehicles with more than X axles.
Truckers give in the data of the truck and the max. speed (ETA).
This feature creates a whole new audience for Waze.Forum topic:
(1) - Source
Antonio commented
Ma non si può inserire la modalità caravan/autocaravan così si evitano i percorsi con strade strette e ponti bassi.
guy le navenec commented
pouvoir spécifier une hauteur de véhicule, afin d'éviter de se trouver bloquer avec des passages avec des hauteurs limite à 2m
Anonymous commented
waze for trucks no entry above 4tons.heights of bridges
Stretty commented
This would be also useful for caravans, coaches, lorries, motorhomes, campers, in fact any oversize vehicle / long vehicle.
Stretty commented
Many people in lots of Waze forums are asking for profiles for trucks, RV's, Trailers etc. This can all be accomplished very easily with a small code change. Road restrictions can already be added in map editor. However, these restrictions are not taken into account when a route is calculated because the amount of permutations is so high. An alternative would be to flag any road restrictions along a route and advise the user of each restriction and then ask if they should be avoided. The option can be turned on or off for car users. This will put the onus on the driver and not Waze.
Stretty commented
This could be easily achieved by the app notifying of road restrictions during planning and asking the user if they want to calculate an alternative.
Anonymous commented
Would like a way to indicate we are traveling by RV and also towing a car so we are extremely long and can not navigate certain roads. Also can not just turn around.
shlomo commented
Lim commented
Road for lorry. I am not a lorry driver but i think should giving an option to choose for lorry road. This is because in Malaysia got many road that is not allow lorry to go in due to the height limit.
Claudia commented
We travel with a large horse trailer, would love an RV route option. Love the app otherwise
Lisa Duplant commented
I have been using Waze for years in my car. We have just bought a 40' RV and navigation is a whole new beast! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE we need an RV, Large Truck version
Anonymous commented
a friend of mine who happen to drive a truck, has a problem
some times Waze leads him to places he can not drive thru.
in choosing car type there are only 2 choices private and taxi no trucks.
in the old navigation apps (like IGO) there was a choice for trucks.
I think you can add trucks in two categories light (up to 12 tons) and heavy (above).
of course there are issues of traffic laws about where can a trucj enters....
hope you will add this feature. -
Anonymous commented
Please create WAZE routes for busses, especially in Israel. If I choose "bus" on WAZE now, I still get the same route as if I was in my car, but my bus is too large for many of the side streets. I need a different route with streets that are big enough for the bus to drive on. Thank you.
Rarebit commented
Search for "improve routing nice car" in the box on the right.
Elly commented
Por las limitaciones en la Ciudad de Mexico no es posible usar las vias rapidas: viaducto, periferico etc por los coches de carga. Existe alguna solucion para mostrar la ruta segun la categoria de coche (no solamente taxi y particulas)?
Anonymous commented
Hello I am William Jamros a 7 day a week waze user (because of work) but I drive a commercial vehicle I just was wondering if in the soon future you could put A commercial vehicle option for roads such a palisades parkway because I get lost or end up on a road that is illegal for me to be on because of the commercial vehicle :( I believe it would also make the common working man get your app as well! Thank you for your time if you could contact me back sometime soon regarding this that would great! Until then I will always continue to use waze thank you for such a great GPS! And if you change it don't forget to name the option after me LOL
leon-truck commented
there should be an option to select if yr driving a car or truck ( or even maybe a bicycle ) , i'm a truck driver and my ETA is never correct because i can only drive 80 to 90 kmh on the freeway , while waze thinks i can go 120 to 130 over here in holland , so ETA will never be correct , it would even be better that there would be an waze for truckers with bridge heigts - roads not allowed for trucks - dangerous goods routes - weight limits etc, but that takes a lot of programming, so maybe that's asking to much , but the "simpeler" option of selecting car ot truck to get ETA right would be easiër to implement ?
Anonymous commented
Please add an RV platform to WAZE. We use WAZE instead of our navigation system that came with our car and love it. We now have a 40 foot Class A motorhome and want Waze interactive navigation that notifies us of weight, height, width restrictions. Curvy roads, low bridges etc. There is a HUGE RV community and many clubs. I believe all would be avid users and contributors. Any possibility of this in the near future?
Anonymous commented
Truck waze ,
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נמוכים או כניסה לכבישים צרים או כבישים מוגבלי
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תודה :))