choose my custom route!
Have you ever thought that the driver does every day the same way to go to work or home, so he already has his favorite ways? Have you ever thought about leaving the driver predefine these paths and when to consult the routes have a new area for "Custom Routes" and showing the conditions of transit and time for those 3 chosen paths? I would feel more comfortable in knowing how long it would take if I had chosen that MY way specifically. Thanks!
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Becky commented
I have followed directions that were new to me and I really enjoyed that ride. It would be great to be able to tag a route, to either 1). request that route again or look up names of streets for future reference.
Anton commented
It is often necessary to change the proposed route so that it passes through one or more specific points on the map. I think it would be a good idea to provide the ability to specify intermediate points for the route. Currently it is possible to use the addition of a stop for this, but it is not quite the right thing to do, and besides, only one stop is allowed.
Anonymous commented
When you save an address as "home" or "work", be able to also specify an approach direction for that address. If you can't access a parking lot by turning left across a lane, or if you street park and need to approach your home address from a certain direction.
Could be as simple as giving the option to pick a cardinal direction depending on the orientation of the road. -
Anonymous commented
שלום, הייתי מציע להחזיר את האופציה של בחירה בין המסלול הקצר ביותר למסלול המהיר ביותר. לפעמים בין המסלולים אין כל כך הפרש של זמן אך המרחק שונה בהרבה. תודה
Anonymous commented
Seria interessante poder escolher por quais cidades passar em uma rota, por exemplo uma cidade turística sem ter que escolher nova rota depois, pois ja vai estar programado todo o trajeto.
It would be interesting to be able to choose which cities to pass on a route, for example a tourist city without having to choose a new route later, as the entire route will already be programmed.
Anonymous commented
Allow users to create their own route. The three (3) options provided by Waze to my workplace make little sense & are not, in fact the quickest or safest routes.
Example, from Knoxville, TN to Wayne Country Airport in Monticello, KY—-the best route is: I-75 to the Southernmost Williamsburg, KY exit, then KY-92 West, then US-27 to Burnside, KY, then KY-90 to Monticello, KY.
That route is by FAR the most expeditious as well as the safest route —- but it cannot be manually selected by the user.
You really need to figure out how to allow users to Drag and Select their own custom route, because in this case, it’s not only preferred, but it’s also fastest and safest; both.
aidan commented
Basically a build your own route.
You may have your own way to get to places that you go everyday, but may want to customize it. It would be nice so I get the alerts and also have the ETA (Waze is very accurate).
Hopefully this gets implemented. Thanks!
Anonymous commented
Alguém sabe algum app que faça isso?? Aqui no Rio é questão de segurança escolher a própria rota!!
Anonymous commented
How can I personalise my route by adding via A to get to B without it being a stop? I want a continuous mapped journey but via a quicker or preferred route.
Adrianna Howerton-Lee commented
It would be nice to be able to pick a route and have some sort of indication as to what states I will be passing through other than just the names of cities near by. Completely taken incorrect routes because I had no insight as to where I was going and state lines aren’t displayed anywhere. Especially difficult and annoying when using CarPlay
Anonymous commented
Once Waze has learned the preferred route, it should compare it with other calculated routes to let me choose between my preferred one and another best route.
Doing so I can know if on my preferred route there are delays and compare it in real time with the best suggestion. -
Anonymous commented
add a way that you can draw or design in some way the route you want to take and waze will give you directions and show you traffic, etc.
Tara Antczak commented
There should be an option to choose your own route. Most of the time waze sends me some messed up way that is longer than the route I normally take. I dont always use the directions feature for directions. I use it to see cops and hazards on my route. You cant look ahead to see if there are any unless you take one if the routes waze suggests. Ie. I like to see if there are any traffic jams before I start out on my journey. A lot of times waze goes a completely out of the way route to the destination. I checked all of my settings to make sure I wasnt avoiding toll roads or highways etc. I'm not. Waze just chooses weird out of the way routes most of the time. Pls give us this option to choose our own route this way you dont have to reprogram the way waze chooses routes. It's just an add on, ya know? Thx.
Anonymous commented
Também gostaria muito!
Amy commented
It would be great to be able to pick your own path to drive option to see what the reports are along that track, other than the 3 route options given.
Lauro Becker commented
Também gostaria de poder "arrastar" o percurso sugerido a meu gosto, como é possível no Google Maps.
Barry Martin commented
It would be great if Waze had an option for people visiting an area. For example, I am in town for a business trip. My meetings end early. It is noon and I don't have to be at the airport until 5PM. Let me enter my destination and time, much like a scheduled drive, but offer choices to select of local points of interest I can go to along the way to pass the time and make the most of being in an area.
Anonymous commented
Would be great to manually enter favourite roads and then compare them.
Amir Endok commented
I suggest, please also put roundabout as difficult junction too. So we can avoid difficult roundabout as many as we can avoid.
Vladislav Rybak commented
Waze is trying to navigate the user according to the selected direction - sometimes it may save him time to turn around and drive at the opposite direction if that possible. When starting propose the user to turn around.