Multi-stop route feature
When you want to stop at several points along your route you should have the ability to set multiple destinations
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
GeekinTexas commented
I'd be happy if I could just add a second stop ... before or AFTER the current one.
Mike Hammett commented
I just got an e-mail that this was completed. Really? Waze completed something on the request list?
Gary Scott commented
I would like to be able to enter 2 addresses, neither of them my home, when I am planning a trip to get an idea of how long it would get between the two points. Is this possible?
Jim commented
After loading Waze and setting up account, first thing I needed to do was enter a multiple destination route.. very disappointing to discover we could not do that !
Oh well, back to Mapquest !
Just Sayin' commented
Waze added feature to add stop on drive but only one. Need multiple stops and ability to change order, google maps already has this
Anonymous commented
Yes, waze should add possibilitie to add more stops. Please.
Anthony commented
Google maps is so much better with editing stops and adding multiple stops. Waze only allows one stop. If waze is owned by google why not combine and make one ultimate navigational application. What’s the purpose of having two?
chezki commented
שיהיה אפשרות להזין כמה יעדי נסיעה ושהווייז יתכנת לבד את מסלול הנסיעה הקצר ביותר
Tsur Richter-Levin commented
I agree.
The user enters multiple addresses in a screen and when clicking CALCULATE the system itself will make the proper and logical arrangement of stops between the addresses.
The system should also allow the user to select the final destination of the ride, and calculate the route as shortest or fastest.
The latter can be selected in app OPTIONS. -
Tsur Richter-Levin commented
I wish to elaborate functionality of item 2
I suggest the system itself will make the proper and logical arrangement of stops between selected 1 and 3 (origin and final destination).
PatrickBLopes commented
For the year that was opened this discussion should already have something in the oven because it is a very good idea.
Paul commented
Please also add a starting location for input for every route to plan (with default current location) like Google maps
מאיר commented
כל יום ההסעה מפזר את הילדים באותו מסלטל אבל לפעמים ברחוב אחד יש פקק רציני או הפגנות ולכן עדיף להתחיל את המסלול הפוך וזה מאוד חשוב גם לאנשים פרטיים שרוצים לעשות קניות ואח"כ משהו עחכ אבל לפי הוייז אפשר יהיה לקבוע את הלו"ז של הנסיעה.
ואותו דבר לגבי משלוחים שהוייז יבנה את המסלול הכי טוב לנהג לפיזור -
Tangroo commented
I wish I could upvote this more. Multiple stops is long overdue. An optional bonus would be for Waze to optimize the best order to do those stops, but as a minimum, please allow us to add a few stops that we can self-order. It will reduce the need to interact with the app while driving, or pulling over to do so, which is safer and more efficient.
Dan commented
Started in 2012.. it’s 2018 already.
Hasan rahmaty commented
Waze map
Baiyang Xu commented
We really need this future
Albert Albert commented
Anonymous commented
Same stop at coffee on the way to work each day. Love to save this.
Anonymous commented
Today, it is possible only 2 places. There should be a special screen where we could insert several places one below the other and at the end you could drag up and down to define what will be the first, second, third destination and more.