Quick report buttons
It would be a good idea to place some (2??) customizable quick report buttons on the main Map/interface; in such way we can report speed traps/ dangers/ police while we are driving with a single touch (or double to exclude unintended reports)!
There are too many menu/options to make a report... the only way to put them live is to stop the car and going trough a jungle of options... ( :geek: and I'm used to that! I'm an android user)
Heavy traffic is fine... you're stuck in your car and you've all the time to browse the options but the other reports need to be quick and non-distracting!

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Johannes commented
vous devriez modifier car play pour gagner du temp et de la sécurité pouvoir juste indiquer un danger comme sur l'application du tel quand il n’est pas conecter car play ou autre sa permet de gagner du temp et pour la sécurité soite pouvoir indiquer juste danger ou choisir une sous catégorie aussi comme quand c’est juste sur l’application tel
Car des foi sa peux être dangereux de devoir en plus indiquer une sous catégorie et sa prend du temp en roulant -
Bertrand commented
Hello, could you please give us the possibility to create shortcuts for reports, the current process is sometimes too dangerous when driving (at least 2 or 3 clicks to reach the incident to be reported).
At least shorcuts for the main ones like police, vehicle stopped aside, or working areas.
Thks for your services -
Greg O commented
It would be great to have a drop down list of the most frequently used report types. For instance, “vehicle stopped on shoulder” could be accessed by clicking “report” and then one of the three or four commonly used report types.
Hyanne Park commented
On Thursday and yesterday (Friday), I drove up and down California to pick up my daughter from her college. As I was driving, I noticed so many cars stopped/parked on the shoulders of I-5 highway, one of the most frequently used highways in CA and the West Coast!
However, as I was driving like 80-90 miles/hr (with the flow of traffic), it was so hard to report these broken or stopped cars on the highway shoulders EVEN THOUGH you guys listened to the Waze Community and finally put 3 most “frequently used” report buttons as “shortcuts”.
BUT even with the shortcuts, I still have to press 2-3 more choices before reporting these stopped cars on the shoulders WHICH is so DANGEROUS because I have to take my eyes off the road to click the choices!
Please give your users at least ONE report button they can choose to add to the shortcuts (vs 3 set shortcut buttons picked by Waze).
Then along with Police, Traffic, and Hazard buttons, we can add our own most frequently used report flag/button, making it so much safer and convenient for all the users!
Thank you!
Dan commented
On the homescreen have a one touch icon to report police. Another icon to report object on road. Another icon for vehicle on shoulder
Pepa sela commented
Would be helpful to have 2-3 small icons on the map view that can be selected by the user. Each icon should enable to report something in one-click.
The size of these icons should not clutter to much the map view. -
Gunbox commented
Need 2 click configurable shortcut. Need click on pits.
Jeff commented
There needs to be a one touch shortcut for car on shoulder reporting
Murray Louw commented
I usually (90%) report "vehicle stopped on shoulder" (about 6 on the way to work each day, long drive). Would be great if I could do a "long tap" to report this specific problem..
Could you dedicate a button for this purpose? -
Scott Richardson commented
The addition of Quick Reporting using a long press on the report button is an improvement but just a slight improvement. This only reduces the number of clicks it takes to make a hazard, police, or traffic report by one. It still takes 4 clicks to report a vehicle stopped on the shoulder which is most likely the most used report while driving. It would be much better to have the long press with the option to choose vehicle stopped on the shoulder, police reported, or Object on road specifically as these are the most common reports while driving at speed. The number of clicks that it takes to make these frequent report types needs to be reduced to increase the safety of the app. This is a critical issue that needs to be resolved. Thanks.
Christian Labij commented
Still, too many options. F.e. Look at the app “Flitsmeister” in the Netherlands. It’s important for your own safety that we don’t have to search and click 4/5 times for just one report. Easier and safer would be a report with maximum of 2 clicks. Just take a look at Flitsmeister and use it to your advantage. You can also contact me for improvement. Glad to help.
Kodi75 [5] commented
There is "Google Assistant" to report hazards.
https://support.google.com/waze/answer/9332876They need to integrate Map Issue Reports with Google Assistant. "Ok Google, Report Map Issue." Then prompt the driver for details via voice-to-text.
If you are on Carplay or Android Auto please upvote these suggestions to allow submitting road closures.
https://tinyurl.com/WazeAA-Closures -
Alisha Field commented
Camera shortcut to report them is desperately needed! We need to be able to press report, then the camera shortcut, the camera type then be on our way! Types need to include; permanent speed camera, mobile speed camera, red light camera or the new phone useage cameras. The current procedure to report them is far too long to do while driving, especially with the new phone useage cameras being rolled out like crazy in Sydney. Currently it is too much to do so most of us can’t warn each other. There are many unreported, permanent phone useage cameras in Sydney! We really need this option, please!
Thank you. -
[Deleted User] commented
David, your example image is perfect! I would add a detail: the editor can choose up to 5 shortcuts for fixed buttons in the interface (this amount can be larger or smaller, for example, in CarPlay).
Jason Jeffery commented
100% agree on this idea
Jay commented
No they are not quick & simple enough. We need a TWO click report capability for road hazard, heavy traffic, & cop sighting. Still cannot safely navigate the improved quick report functions while driving. Big thanks
Lauren sajion commented
3 customizable bubbles that you can place the 3 most used icons, vs gioin through menu to report, you can hide it behind the orange bubble and swipe up to access..
2. Multiple alerts in one area, they can all have a bar at bottom with (gone?/ still there?) This way you can recognize and react to all. -
Janis commented
Often, when driving alone, I would like to report some road events, but it is not safe to interact with the phone. I would love to link the road event reporting feature to the NFC tag automation event in the iOS Apple Shortcuts app. This would allow me to keep several bank card sized cards with NFC stickers attached in the cup holder and just touch them to my phone to report an event. One card for police, one for an accident, etc. Currently, I use a similar feature to add a song to the playlist when I listen to Apple Music.
offbeatmammal commented
right now the screen is too cluttered to quickly and safely navigate through the options. would be happy with a couple of extra taps to get guided through (especially reporting temporary cameras/police) vs cognitive overload!
would be great if the voice reporting ever worked!
Alex Hirsch commented
How is there no official reply at all about this? OP was over 8 years ago. I'll assume that's an accurate reflection of your corporate interest in genuine feedback from your most avid users. But by all means, please continue to introduce new voices, because that's useful.