Mute navigation during phone call.
When making or taking phone calls using bluetooth, waze navigation prompts often interrupt me. The person on the other end of the line can't hear the prompt, but it means either I miss what they're saying, or my train of thought is interrupted mid-sentence.
It would be useful for the client to auto-mute during a phone call.

Thank you for this suggestion. As you may already know, Waze supports the option to mute during calls. To set that, go to Settings > Voice & sound and toggle Mute during calls.
Bari commented
So, how does the other person on the call not hear the navigation directions that I hear? They can hear me talking through the directions.
Alex Bonyhai commented
The feature is availabile now. Please close the request!
non pelf commented
Provide users the choice how to direct audio.
I prefer having waze interrupt for provide directions
Sara Todd commented
This doesn't happen to me because Waze doesn't work when I'm on a blue tooth call. I have to tell callers to hang up if I really need Waze at the same time as the call. And I can't make calls while I'm driving and using Waze.
Anonymous commented
I would rather the phone call mute, especially when in a city with numerous turns and such. I have missed a turn on occasion costing me an additional 40Km of driving to get back to where i was going in the first place. Or let the person you are talking to hear the direction and understand why you didn't hear them.
Caleb Santiago commented
This is already an option. If you go to setting>Sound & voice>mute waze during calls all the way at the bottom. pretty sure it's been there for a while
Anonymous commented
Instead of muting, how about just turning the volume down? I may still need directions when on the phone, but I don't need the directions blasted at me at a volume many times that of the phone call.
Russ commented
I use Waze via BT in my car often along with streaming music, and when I get a phone call, Waze does mute itself as does the music, so I do not have this issue. Not sure if it's the phone (Galaxy S5) or Waze that does the muting.
Anonymous commented
I have the same idea, but 'mute' maybe can cause a problem if you not be attecntion in traject. The solution maybe is 'mute' the voice of waze, but sound a 'beep' and sinalize directions.
Anonymous commented
I completely agree
Jason Granger commented
The feature appears in options under advanced sound but it doesn't seem to work on my Samsung edge 7.
Brian Cutter commented
I have the feature on Android, but it doesn't seem to work.
Spleenico commented
Good idea, maybe at the exception of alerts
Marco Fain commented
My Waze don´t have this feature. It´s updated. Android.
Jenny commented
You actually can mute Waze during calls. Go to Settings on waze > Sound > then turns on the option for "Mute Waze during call"
Steven Tomlinson commented
I drive for Lyft and Uber. We need this feature badly.
Liz commented
Please make this an option in Android! Please, please, please! Thanks!
google doesn't care commented
NO. I prefer directions during a call.
This needs to be an OPTION
Mike Gregory commented
No options for this on my android device sadly. Back to Google maps until this is sorted
Anne commented
I saw in comments that someone said that this was available in the US, I don't see that option among my sound settings.