BOTH external GPS and internal GPS

Anonymous commented
External Bluetooth receiver is a must Waze upgrade.
Anonymous commented
I like your software , but I use a Bluetooth GPS receiver and your program uses Internet and I do not own a cell phone. So as soon as I leave home the Waze software stops and is useless. Why do other GPS programs work with my Bluetooth and Waze does not?
- commented
Safely Driven Quickly commented
BlueGPS is available on F-droid dot org f/oss repository. Freedom FROM adware. All adware is malware: gross mistreatment of your privacy to profit developer; the google/Facebook profit source.
Safely Driven Quickly commented
On Android allow BOTH native location provider and mock location
BlueGPS allows external GPS receiver to be published via mock location (or override native gps, but the latter only allows one GPS provider)
iOS needs an update to allow external gps receiver
Android can use Bluetooth or usb to connect to supplemental GPS receiver. Sirf chipsets currently provide the best NMEA sentence customization options.
Some GPS receivers provide faster cold start fixing. Some provide that and SBAS (WASS / egnos), and some receive GLOSNASS birds also.
Overall less battery drain than built in gps.
GPSRitter commented
Good input and I had the same idea. I have started to work on similar device which should not only use an external GPS / GNSS Chipset for positioning, but also be charger for the phone. If you are interested, please send me a mail. I`m currently collecting information, how well it would be received by the users to see if we can make a full business case out of it and go to production within this year.
Craig C Chen commented
To Waze workers...
I actually think this is a great idea. I know all Android and iPhones have built in GPS but lets say they want to run your app on a Android tablet. Most tablets don't have built in GPS but they do have bluetooth.
You probably wondering why they want to run it on a tablet since the tablet is bigger? The car owner may have a special mount to mount their tablet into their car. I actually seen a video of it where they replace the car radio with a tablet.
Also the screen is bigger so it's easier to see things and you will make less mistakes when you touch something on the screen.
Euler Alves commented
I can run it using the BluetoothGPS ( So I get better accuracy because of the gps external antenna. I think the bluetooth consumption is smaller than GPS. So I save battery too.
veriloquous commented