walking mode button
Have you thought about a walking mode button.So if you have waze on you don't get false data that traffic is at a stand still when you are walking.
Many thanks Andrew warren

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
MariCarmen commented
I KNOW I used the waze walking icon in Spain 2 years ago. WHERE IS THE ICON NOW? I wanted to use it today when I didn't know how to get to where I needed to be and it no longer appears...I find all kinds of apps to plan a walk/route. I don't want to plan out a walk, I want to be able to put in a destination & get the walking step-by-step (no pun intended) directions just like I get for driving. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Pamela commented
Waze is out best navigation system in Costa Rica. I would love a walking option in downtown San Jose and San Isidro de El General.
Eduardo commented
Habilitar una ruta para peatones, yo realizó compras dentro de la ciudad y las hago caminando, sería bueno que la considerarán
Sicsic commented
hello it would be interesting to add the pedestrian concept
Anonymous commented
Seleccionar ruta andando, sin vehículos. Porque no está esta opcion
Carlos Soares commented
O Waze deveria ter a opção de percurso pedreste.
É muito útil para percursos a pé nas grandes cidades. -
Sicsic commented
Pedestrian route Absent in waze
Anonymous commented
I'd like to see a walking option available.
Anonymous commented
Suggest that you add the option to be able to select walking as the mode of travel.
Ahyanna Biggs commented
I Think we should have a option for walkers and bikers to be able to use the GPS and know how far and how long it will take them to walk or bike
Anonymous commented
t zou handig zijn dat er ook navigatie zou zijn voor wandelen of fietsen.
Anonymous commented
Gps for pedestrians as well as bike routes
Lourdes commented
Sugiero que incorporen medios de traslados como el transporte público, creo que es muy importante ya que es el medio más utilizado por las personas para trasladarse.
También sugiero que incorporen la opción de ir a pie, ya que a veces el lugar donde hay que dirigirse muchos eligen ir a pie y es de mucha ayuda un mapa que te recomiende el mejor camino para llegar.
Sugiero ambas incorporaciones ya que en Google maps existen desde un principio y teniendo en cuenta que Waze supera a Google maps, me decepciona que no posea estas opciones. -
andres commented
If pedestrians uses Waze to walk to their destiny, and waze guide them using the less crowded route, they can improve social distancing.
just that.
Seth mootchnik commented
With so many long lines at the stores these days, would be great for a pedestrian like waze app that shows how long the line is at my local Costco - or any store. How do we get that moving along?
Stefanie Suárez commented
Just for eviting concentration of humans becuase of covid-19 Wase should have the option of transit of humans (without car) to persuade people to take another route to get to a place or also allow them to know if they have to wait till there is less people in that place.
Anonymous commented
These days when we all are pedestrians, and we have the waze installed anyway, let's use it to avoid exceed our distance from home limit.
Anonymous commented
Make Waze the one navigation app for all. Include walking mode, bike mode driving mode etc, include all features including restaurants gas,
Anonymous commented
I am a pregnant woman in my third trimester so I don't want to walk far. Where is the option to choose how far I prefer to walk for pick up or drop off?
Amit commented
I found this option usefull when i park my car at not a formal parking site as near a forest or beach area and i need to get back to it.
The waze navigation mechanisim sometime use roads to bring me back to my car thinking i am driving. while I am walking.
More function is recording my path so when i want to get back the path will be already known without obsticals.