Auto Shutdown at Destination
When arriving at your destination have Waze prompt an Auto-Shutdown with a 10 second countdown. I always shutdown my Waze when I arrive and instead of having to click menu and then shutdown, why not have Waze offer to do it automatically. This will also save battery if people forget.
more allayed commented
I would prefer an option to shutdown waze via [android] INTENTS
Anonymous commented
Also, if you are not using a route, if Waze determines that you are standing still for 10 minutes, it should ask you if you have reached your destination and want to turn off Waze. The default answer should be an option in settings. I would choose "Turn Off" as the default, but someone who is frequently in stop-and-go traffic or gets stopped at train crossings might want the default to be "Stay On."
Anonymous commented
This should be implemented as an option for all destinations and an option for Favorites. When I get to home or work, I don't need to put in a parking pin or whatever the other choices are. But when I go somewhere for the first time, I may want to keep Waze active.
It would also be nice to auto close when the phone is removed from a car dock, as someone else mentioned.
Anonymous commented
Yes, PLEASE!!! I can't tell you how many times I have killed my phone's battery because I forget to shut waze off when I arrive at my destination!
Juvescent Joys commented
I'd vote for a count down timer on exit
Tim commented
I agree with reximillian's design.
Reximilian commented
This is pretty much the only feature I'd love to see. Maybe not so much as auto shut down but a one-tap shut down. If on the new navigation HUD had a Shut down feature I think would be best. I've designed exactly what I feel would work best for this.
Dignity Matters commented
if there were transit intents then on arrival Llama could use kill (root) to ungracefully exit waze
but there's no reason waze couldn't use the same count down GO button semantics on an arrived dialogue count down focused on exit
Novarider commented
Add a "Switch Off" shortcut to the Waze program. This shortcut could be added to Home screens for one button ending of the program. It would also allow automation (Locale, Tasker, LLama, etc.) for defining a condition (removed from Car Dock or at Destination/Work/Home) and action (shortcut Switch Off). This would stop the program without having to remember it's running (may be in background so it's not visible) and pressing a few buttons.
I Glympse commented
obviously this should be an optional setting
additionally there should be end of trip statistics shown optionally before exiting or automatically "exported and or uploaded to one's cloud choice (not Google default because not everyone uses Google even on android)