Economic (Green) route
We already have the fastest and shortest routes. How about the greenest routes?

Neil McLeish commented
It's 2025 and still no Eco option. I often use Google to see the eco route, then choose that route in Waze, if the route is shown.
I'd love to not have to do that switching of apps.
Thanks. -
Dave Wedd commented
Google Maps has this as the default, but Waze can't do it at all. This should be a choice when the route overview is displayed, and then Waze could get stats on how many people choose the green or fast options.
יעל דיין commented
הי,מאוד יעזור אם תוסיפו במסלול הנסיעה בכביש בין עירוני את כל היציאות האפשריות ותדגישו רק את היציאה המבוקשת הרבה פעמים זה לא כך .
תודה -
Zarwal Houcine commented
This will help us to reach any destination with low fuel costs combined with the km traveled.
Bob McCormick commented
If you drive an EV, battery drain is larger on the higher speed routes. For my commute, I can drive on non-FW type roads and save a lot of battery, only taking 2 minutes longer. This could easily fold into better EV support in Waze.
David Magalit commented
I suggest Waze prioritize highway user versus local roads. I would rather spend a few more minutes driving a longer route on the highway instead of constant gas and brake application on local roads. I am sure Waze could be tuned to reduce fuel usage and greenhouse gas emissions. I would happily take a longer drive to reduce global warming.
Romain commented
Hello, You can create a new function for people wiling to decrease there GHG emissions. You can propose a normal itineray and an alterntive itineray to lower GHG emssion, or you can propose to reduce the speed and give the GHG savings.
Or you can add in the set up of the profile the willigness of the user : Normal GHG, Decrease by 10%, decrease by 20%....and depending of the choice of the user propose a solution( decrease speed, anlternative itineray....).
It is very important if you can help on this topic for our futur ! -
Gonen commented
Great idea, especially now when we're trying to fight global warming by saving on greenhouse gas emissions
Allow the user to define in the Settings how long he is willing to extend the trip as a result of using the Green option
I, for example, am willing to start my trip 10 minutes earlier, as long as it will be more fuel efficient -
Anonymous commented
There are often more than one suitable route that only differ a few minutes in travel time. Choosing the fastest one might be less economical and environmentally friendly. It would be nice to be able to select routes that for _most_cars would be the most economical one.
Understandably, this cannot be an exact calculation, but it should be possible to look at some standard criteria and select what would likely be best for the majority of vehicle types, i.e. choosing the country road instead of city and then freeway if distance is similar.
Cliffton commented
Since all routes are set to a shorter distance would love to see a setting where I can set my own route distance such as fast, economical, or short. Please make it happen!
adi commented
I was just looking for this, I don't know why this is so low. It irritates me when Waze routes me an extra 10 miles just to safe a minute or two. I don't mind getting a bit later, if I can save some fuel - money and environment.
I could see, as mentioned:
1. reduce junctions/stops
2. provide value of mirage ($$$/mil) and time ($$$/hr)
3. point 2 then could as well calculate, if it's worth to go through toll road -
Mathieu commented
En cette période où l'impact carbone des transports devient un problème sérieux, il serait intéressant d'avoir des fonctionnalités sur Waze sur ces sujets. Quelques exemples :
- affichage de l'impact carbone pour l'itinéraire ou les itinéraires alternatifs
- avoir la possibilité de pouvoir éviter des embouteillages en proposant un autre itinéraire un peu plus long mais moins energivore
- comparer et afficher l'impact carbone avec un autre transport alternatif, notamment les transports en commun ou pour les petites distances qui peuvent se faire à pieds ou en vélo. Cela sensibiliserait mieux les conducteurs -
Rude commented
Yes agree! My duration ot the "to work" trip is almost the same with a short route (50km) and a long route using the highway (75km!!)
Waze picks allways the long route... -
Eric Lewis commented
It would be great to know what route was (1) the fastest vs. which route was (2) the most fuel efficient ==> and therefore the one that has the smallest carbon impact.
Anonymous commented
The economic route should be the minimum of the sum of:
Consumed oil
TimeThe first two are objective but the third should be a parameter os user choice: how much dollars per minute you would like to pay for tolls or extra oil consumption?
Anonymous commented
Today I had a choice of three routes, all of which had similar times and distances so I wondered which was most fuel efficient. On the one hand, staying on the streets avoids the high speed of the freeway. On the other hand, driving the streets means more stops and starts due to stop lights. Of course, it's impossible to know at how many intersections you'll actually have to stop.
Prime-55 commented
For EV's this is not always the fact, Curtis. They consume much more energy at higher speeds. This is totally different from petrol cars.
Curtis Miller commented
Not true Oto. Sometimes a longer, more fuel efficient route (a highway) will use less fuel than a shorter less fuel efficient (city street) route.
Clint commented
Eco could be the route that uses the least fuel, less stop starts etc.
Everton Mateus Fernandes commented
Seria interessante incluir o cálculo de rotas pelo menor consumo de combustível.
Conforme estudo feito pela Companhia de Engenharia de Tráfego de São Paulo, o consumo total de gasolina (G), num percurso de distância D e duração t é dado simplesmente por:
G = K1 D + K2 tSegue link do artigoós a equação ter sido calibrada no trânsito urbano, para um veículo específico, o consumo de gasolina para um percurso particular pode ser estimado pela medição da distância e do tempo de viagem, sendo suficiente para tanto um odômetro e um relógio. O presente estudo tem por finalidade examinar a generalidade das equações apresentadas e interpretar os coeficientes K1 e K2.
Objetivos Específicos do Estudo
• Aplicar a equação à viagens realizadas por motoristas distintos, sob diversas condições de tráfego, para testar a sua adequabilidade na avaliação do consumo de gasolina.
• Observar o efeito sobre o consumo quando motoristas são instruídos para dirigirem de maneira diferente da “normal”.
• As constantes K1 e K2 Têm sido correlacionadas à características facilmente mensuráveis dos veículos. Essa interpretação é aqui examinada para vários tipos de veículos.