Lockscreen Route View
After using the new maps on iOS 6 I could only come up with a little amount of good new features the maps app has. The most helpful one is that the route you are following is displayed on our lock screen, so you can lock your cellphone to avoid people to use your phone while using the gps to get to a please, and also to save some battery. So adding this feature of showing the route on the iPhone would be a great idea, just by the fact that on the road you want to have the information the quickest possible so you don't miss any exits or turns. Waze could show the whole screen you see (vehicule, speedometer, events, wazers)

We plan to work on having a lockscreen route overview on iPhones in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
Gjfti3837 commented
Let us be able to see the navigation on the lock screen and to have Waze determine some of the traffic instead of relying solely on the users.
Lunar Wolffe commented
Hi! When navigating, especially longer journeys, the battery can drain rather quickly when not on charge.... and also takes a long time to charge when on all the time!
This can be solved by adding a command to temporarily wake the device and show the map on-screen when the next instruction appears.
The original iOS map does it and GooMaps.... but Waze is the best so I don’t use them! -
Patrick commented
Prezados sou motociclista e uso Waze constantemente.
Venho sugerir a opção de bloquear a tela durante a navegação, pois como não tenho onde fixar o celular, ponho no bolso e uso fone de ouvido, porem a tela fica acesa.Dear Waze team
I'm motorcicle rider and I use Waze very often.
I suggest the lock screen option during navigation. Since I don't have any place to carry the cellphone I put it in my pocket using headphones but the screen keeps on.Atenciosamente / Kind Regards
gandl commented
With Waze 4.0, this is the only feature i miss. And i think it's espesially important for phones with oled displays because the image might burn into the screen with heavy use.
Sam Estes commented
My wife's iphone does this and mine does not :(
Anonymous commented
Make it possible to add the Waze widget to the lockscreen, so you can navigate to home / work anything else without needing to unlock you're phone
Heather Kelly commented
I agree! Waze definitely needs to show in the lock screen. It would be much more convenient.
Ben Dudek commented
This is the only feature that makes me want to use apple maps. I hate leaving the screen on the whole time and it's can be pretty annoying to go to the waze app constantly, especially if I'm controlling my music as well.
I used to think that only official apple apps could use the lock screen, but Pandora uses it just fine.