Add to road hazard list: 1) flooding, and 2) ice
Add to road hazard list: 1) flooding, and 2) ice

Great news! option to report flooded road is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
You can also check this link to learn more about reporting bad weather.
Arkady English commented
Yes, please. This would be very useful. Today Waze decided it didn't like the motorway and that loads of little back-roads with regular floods on would be fine, since I could 60mph down them...
At the very least it needs to impose a high penalty score to a flooded road.
Jennifer Pinney commented
Water over road is a major hazard. This is different to road flooded. Road flooded normally means road closed. Water over road proceed with caution
- commented
We need
- the ability to report flooding and
see flooding reports.
- a low-flood risk route selection option. -
Robert R. Samuel commented
On a trip yesterday, WAZE Suggested a particular route which had high flood waters about 3 to 4 ft, impassable to light traffic. Locals in the area suggested alternative routes, which we were driving on. Yet WAZE kept insisting to turn around and use the flooded route. This was done multiple times over 3 hours in different locales.
DeepSkyHunter commented
This would be great!
In Croatia, due to strong winds (100km/h and stronger) the speed limit on some highway segments drops from 130 km/h to 60 km/h sometimes even 40 km/h. Most of the time, those segments are also closed for trucks, camper wans and buses.
John Anstey commented
This would be very useful in any country where this happens a lot, but the highway authority is not an active Waze partner.
Madan Krishna Pradhan commented
It would be great if the Hazard Alter Type present in the Partner Hub is also provided in Waze Editor Beta/Public. It can also be level restricted.
This will be great help in reporting the hazard in WME rapidly.
Dev Ratna Shakya commented
We have many roads and zones that may have frequent and sudden flooding and landslides. Thus, we would like to request to add support for PH / time-based PH for floods and landslides, just like road closure, which can be added directly by editors in the Waze map editor. For those countries where there's no partner hub and low Waze traffic, it will be easier to add PH directly by editors based on the information obtained from various official sources.
Andrés Montaño commented
I would like Waze to include an option to navigate around flooded roads. Currently, the app provides a warning about flooding but still directs you through the route affected by it. It would be helpful if Waze could automatically reroute to avoid flooded areas entirely, enhancing safety and preventing delays.
Jordan Searle commented
Add a pothole report button that does not need to be found through the sub menu options and also create a flooded road button that shows the depth of flood and asks drivers if it has gone by the hour
Jon commented
Please add flooded roadways to list of road hazards. For safety reasons motorist should never cross flooded roads or at least reduce speed to avoid hydroplaning
Maelys commented
It would be useful for Waze to default to safest routes (ie, least prone to flooding based on historical data which I am sure exists) in case of such weather events (even just suggest it in case it has been raining heavily in the last few days in a given area). The report flood button is not enough - how do I know the alternative itinerary I choose will be better or if no one has yet reported a flood?
It is becoming increasingly necessary given the climate events the world faces. -
Eduardo Teixeira commented
You should add a road flooded option
Jonathan Scott commented
WIND, bridges, and tractor-trailers don't mix. Drivers encounter WIND far more than unplowed roads, floods, and ice.
Richard commented
its winter here in NZ and we are getting a lot of rain which is causing both flooding and slips in our roads. This would be a great safety related additional feature to WAZE.
Thanks -
Chris nl commented
Can you add flood to the current list of report
Christopher Jian Hong commented
Add one more road report problen to report flood , Malaysia always flood due to road close
Mifo J commented
To be able to report large puddles. We have the ability to report flooding, but flooding isn't the same as a large puddle across a whole lane and a 2 lane carriage way or even a single carriage way
Bob Merley commented
When a number of user report a flooded area, alert and detour route must auto apply and suggestion to avoid the area.
brain rabbits commented
Option to add road closed to warn other users.