Avoid Smart motorways
Hi Guys, Love the app and use it all the time, but more and more of the motorways are getting changed into Smart motorways, I know there is an option to avid Motorways but Is there an option to avoid the Smart motorways?
kind Regards
Michael M

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
Gerry commented
This is an issue in the UK as "Smart motorway" are considered by a lot of drivers to be unsafe. A number of deaths have occurred and have been attributed to the lack of a reservation lane or so called "Smart" technology nor working or not working quickly enough. For Waze to have the facility to be able to avoid Smart Motorways would be a big plus and possibly save lives. Come on Waze Team, please look at this again.
chris_debian commented
I'd definitely support the option to avoid Smart motorways. Count me in.
Charlie Whitfield commented
Be careful what you ask for!!
There are two main types of Smart Motorway in the UK:
1. Smart Motorway: variable speed limits.
2. Smart ALR Motorway: variable speed limits and the ability (can be temporary or permanent) to use All Lanes Running mode which removes the hard shoulder.E.g. all of the M25 is Smart, but only two stretches are ALR.
It's all here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smart_motorway
I would like Waze to implement 3 features:
1a. A selectable option to avoid all ALR stretches of Smart Motorway.
1b. A selectable option to avoid all Smart Motorways. Do people really want this?
2. A warning that an ALR section is approaching, similar to the "average speed check" warnings that Waze delivers today. It would be great if these warnings could be issued in time to re-route, avoiding the ALR section.
3. Waze should show the location of the refuge areas (the official name is "Emergency Areas") on ALR stretches. This is critical. E.g. on the M4 ALR section these are 1.3 miles (2.1 km) apart.
Neil Jones commented
My 1972 classic car has a height of 1020 mm (40").. whilst I don't intend breaking down, there is the worry of rubbish detection by radar and algorithms! If an MX5 is undetected ( 2" higher than my car)!
I would certainly welcome a route finder avoiding smart motorways.
Thank you
Neil Jones -
Helen commented
I am happy to use traditional motorways, but don’t feel at all safe on the ones without hard shoulders. Being able to plan the fastest way to travel safely would be a massive help.
R Offer commented
Please, as a matter of urgency, add this facility to an otherwise excellent app.
With the UK Govt slow and reluctant to protect motorists by continued roll out and not roll back of the Hard Shoulder, your help through a "Waze" "avoid smart motorways" facility to avoid these lethal motorways will be excellent. Thanks very much. -
Anonymous commented
The ability to be able to select a route choosing tp avoid smart motorways. I avoid them in view of the lack of safe and immediate refuge