Road closure automatic pop-up
It would be nice, when we don't follow Waze instructions, that Waze automatically show a little pop-up to ask why we didn't follow the instruction. It would have, for example, 3 buttons: roadwork, closure, ignore. And if the user doesn't do anything after 10 seconds, the pop-up would just ignore and close.
It happened multiple time to me that a road is closed, but because of circulation around and behind me, I can't really take the time to navigate in the UI to find the good option to signal it, and then, once I have the time, it's just too late. While, with a pop-up, it would be really straight forward.
We can also imagine a double pop-up, the second one used as a confirmation, to prevent user input error.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Guzzzzler commented
sound great and automated to me.
Simlar to when Waze asks me if I am stuck in traffic if I pull off to the side for a second.
Robert commented
Sometimes a road is blocked by traffic or an accident, but I have the opportunity to get off that road before I hit said traffic. In this case, Waze bleeps after it calculates a new route.
It'd be nice if Waze prompts the user 'Why did you take a different route', so I can report the accident or traffic after the fact.
Anonymous commented
When you divert from the suggested route, you get a prompt for a few seconds asking the reason:
- traffic jam ahead
- Road block
- Other
The prompt disappears on its own, even when not answered, but provides an easy way to insert road blocks at highways or crossroads where standing still and searching for the right buttons is not possible. Option other allows you to enter information at a later time for the place where you diverted from the route. -
Sam commented
A few times I've followed Waze and it's led me to a closed road. I think I know why - there's no easy and apparent way for drivers to send Waze this feedback.
It would be great if Waze had a feature (which could be turned off and on as per the preerence of each user) that could detect when a user chooses a different route and ask for feedback as to why:-
"Missed my turning"
"Road closed"
"Route looked unappealing" (I don't know - I'm guessing at possible reasons)