Bring back Master Chief voice
Master Chief voice is truly awesome. Please bring it back, it simply dissapeared from my Waze.

This Master Chief voice is now available in Waze! Install the latest app version to check it out.
This is part of the promotional voice we offer, meaning it is only available for a limited time.
We offer special voices for holidays, events, and just for fun.
You can use the promotional voices for the duration of the promotion. When the promotion ends, your voice will reset to the default, and the voice will no longer appear in the Sound menu.
Jonathan commented
What’s going on? Master Chief was back just for a month and now it’s gone again? Some sort of tease?
Ethal Booster commented
Ahora que si tengo moto y quiero escucharlo ya no está :"( Dejenlo para siempre!
andres_twins commented
🚨 ¡La leyenda ha vuelto a Waze: Conduce con Master Chief! 🚗🎮 -
Jose May commented
si realmente quieren mejorar, que vuelva la voz de Master chief, cual es el gran inconveniente de volverla a poner? muchos de mis amigos al escucharla en mi auto ellos tambien se bajaron la app
johan loaiza (FireOS) commented
Nos faltan voces en español latino, y esta era de las mejores
AZ Smurfs commented
I still have Master Chief on my phone as of Nov 2, 2024. I refuse to try any other voice and refuse to upgrade my android phone so I won't lose the voice. My teens just started driving and just downloaded Waze. They can't get the MC voice on their phones. Please bring him back.
hazael rivera commented
Por favor vuelvan a poner la voz de Master chief y la apariencia del Ghost para el vehículo 😢
Crystal Valdez commented
Don’t change the voice! Hopefully with enough votes Waze will bring him back.
Mario Gomez commented
ningun avacmce?
Mario Gomez commented
Regresen la voz de MasterChief, ya estoy harto de manejar sin es voz:((
Luis Bautista commented
Por favor apoyenos a regresar la voz del jefe maestro de HALO en español latino por favor!!!🙏🙏🙏
Sloan commented
My son was a huge Halo fan and he and my husband and youngest son played it every time my son visited from base. Please bring the Halo voices back. It was comforting knowing I had a little piece of something he liked. We lost our US Marine CPL Isaac Scott July 6,2021
Having the Master Chief voice made us all smile cause it felt like our son was with us. We even got a bronco and named it Master Chief in his honor. Please bring it back. -
Alejandro Issac López Cattán commented
Queremos a MasterChef de vuelta en español por favor apóyenos
Godfrey Phophi commented
Just wanted to use master chief's voice
Godfrey Phophi commented
Master chief's voice was removed in my app but is still functioning in other people's app. That's really not fair
Felipe Ceballos commented
Queremos a master chief de nuevo
Victor Rodriguez commented
Por favor que regrese la voz del Jefe Maestro 🙏
Jackson Salcedo commented
Hola buenas tardes, se lo agradecería que volviera a incluirlo, hace que los viajes sean más agradables y divertidos. Sin esa voz no vale la pena de tener instalado la app de waze. Gracias.
Steve commented
It was still working on my old phone but I recently had to upgrade. The entire family is sad we can’t use Chief! Please bring him back!!
T commented
Bring back master chief!