תכנון נסיעה מרובה כתובות
כל תחילת נסיעה להכניס מספר כתובות לא מוגבל ושתוכנת וויז תסדר אותם לפי הסדר כך כל המשלוחנים וכיוצא בהם יוכלו לחסוך זמן יקר בחיפוש אחר הכתובת הקרובה אליהם.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Klank commented
Consider creating a feature where you can add multiple destinations/stops at once, and it will generate the fastest route that passes from all inputted stops. There's no need for a chronological order, other than efficiency and speed. This, for example, could come in very handy for delivery drivers, or people needing to pass from multiple stops without specific order, where only efficiency and total travelling time matters.
Lachlan Davies commented
Proper multistop routing, more than just one extra stop like both Apple Maps, and Google Maps have implemented
Samantha Winslow commented
Yes please, I came here to ask for this!
Anonymous commented
(1) Allow unlimited multiple waypoints. (2) Provide online library to store planned routes, like MyRoute-App.
Liz commented
I drive a route that involves more than one stop. When planning ahead, it would be great to automatically be able to add a stop before the actual drive.
For example: plan a drive to relative’s house but add a stop to a friend’s house that you are picking up on route.
Right now, you have to be on the drive in order to add a stop. It would be nice to be able to plan ahead the stops.
Anonymous commented
Google maps has a feature where one can enter multi-destinations into one single route.
DCatossi commented
This is a neat feature available in Google Maps where you can plan your daily route, set them in the proper order and navigate from there. My wife usualy do it in the PC and sends to her phone. But Google Maps doesn't provide enhanced navigation such as Waze
Anonymous commented
מצרך חשוב מאוד
Dave commented
It would be a great feature if I can put all my stops along a route into Waze and it will put them in the most efficient order, and then route me accordingly.
Rich commented
Use Google maps can plan multiple stops prefer Waze but use what's best
Anonymous commented
You know how you can add another address and it pops up with options such as new navigation or add stop? How about the ability to plan your entire days route for work and add a stop after first address navigation. Then add another until all 3-4 addresses are mapped out for your day showing all your stops for the day?
חיים commented
Brandy commented
I agree
Karla La Plante commented
Great idea! Hope to see it come out soon!
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able to add a stop with a planned drive to better calculate my leave time.
Israel commented
בנסיעות מתוכננות אתם צריכים להוסיף את האפשרות לראות את המסלולים ואת המפות וגם להוסיף עצירות בדרך
Andrea Roher commented
There are several similar ideas... I like all of them, but separately, they will not likely get enough votes to succeed.
m1a2 commented
Waze should allow to add multiples waypoint and to program a future date for the trip. Let's suppose that I have to pick up two friends and go together to a restaurant. I should be able to set a destination (eventually by scheduling the trip on my pc's browser) and two waypoints (my friends' homes), and ask me when I want to arrive to my destination.
So Waze should suggest me the best route (also telling me which friend pick up first), alert me when it's time to go and send a message to my friends when I'm going to pick them up. Maybe it would be useful to save trips, so that it's easier to program repetitive trips i.e car sharing for work.