Report Drivers
We should be able to report when there is a crazy driver on the road. I just had a lady tailgate me, swerve around me, cut me off, and proceed to tailgate other cars in front of me. Having a feature to report this would be helpful for safety reasons.

Taylor commented
You should add an extra “traffic” and “hazard” button that says there are bad drivers however you want to put it in the app I think it’s a great idea like “hazard - stupid driver alert” or “******* driver alert”
Mic commented
The same should be then said for those bad drivers that cannot follow the minimum speed limit or understand basic driving courtesies in-laws on the road.
Example driving only in the left lane not being courteous to fellow drivers, who are approaching them but remain in the left lane (left lane is for passing right lane is for a regular traffic in the US) the driver should moving out of the left if not passing.Instead, i’ve seen those road hogging drivers force of the drivers to go around them only for them, then to cut them off again and brake.
In the US, the law is right lane is meant for slower traffic left lane is meant for passing (not for cruising, because the driver is scared driving the vehicle).
These same Selfish Drivers are predominantly the cause for accidents as they believe the entire road belongs to them.
People need to focus on their driving not the conversations in the vehicle or being on the phone all the time. -
avancer78 commented
This is something I encounter more frequently on the daily, especially when traveling on the Interstate. Drivers tailgating, cutting people off, deliberately trying to run cars off the road or slamming on brakes for no reason, lots of fingers out windows, etc…Of course, there are never any cops around to see this madness. This would be a great addition to at least alert Waze drivers of these safety hazards.
S.J. E. commented
Bike, motorcycle, pedestrian, school zones, wind, , etc., to warn people. Even an alert for an outrageous driver?!
Estre Llorente Cervigon commented
ALERTA de coche en dirección contraria. SALVA VIDAS
ALERT kamikaze driver. SAVE LIFES
איתמר commented
that is the most important idea of al!!!
Anonymous commented
possibility to alert of kamikaze driver.
Concerned Wazer commented
So if you see a dangerous driver you can report which lane left- middle -right (maybe an option for writing in a license plate state/#
Then after you make a report a message should appear encouraging drivers to make a report to the police if they are safely able to do so. Then
a red triangle warning sign should pop up after reporting and the voice should say "Dangerous Driver reported in "i.e lane"Thanks Waze!
Robert Moore commented
Agreed. Also, we need to be able to CANCEL and BAD REPORTS. This hurricane (Florence) has made me question how useful WAZE is during a fast changing dynamic situation.
Anonymous commented
If a person drives with irresponsible in the lane it should give hint and locate that vehicle so others can be alert to avoid accidents
Sandy Golden commented
WAZE could make an easy and fast way to report impaired driver so the police can get them off our roads. WAZE users can help by going to Concerned Angels and signing the petition to Congress on the our site. It is a strategy that will save lives. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Report road rage and dangerous drivers licence plate to Waze central database to be shared with insurance companies and local authorities. With all the WAZE eyes out there maybe this could influence their behaviour and make the roads safer.
Anonymous commented
If a driver is making a bunch of false reports just to gain points you should be able to report them. I'm on a road trip and there is a car ahead of me that keeps reporting cops every other mile and there aren't any. You should also be able to ignor a particular driver that you feel is abusing the system, as stated above.
P2H commented
How many times are you on the highway and behind some dope doing 65 in the left hand lane. They clearly could go to the right lane, and let you pass - but nope, they are a bad driver.
Wouldn't you love to let them know they don't know what they are doing?
Open the Waze app. Enter license plate #. Write about their driving. If they are registered on Waze, they can get an alert over their phone, maybe they are daydreaming and not paying attention to the road.
You can register (anonymously) your license plate # (and state) on Waze. You can read comments about your driving. You can be alerted when someone praises or writes about your driving skills.
Maybe you see a cute girl or guy driving and want to send them a wink but don't know their Waze handle. You enter their license plate, and if registered on Waze, its an easier way to send a "wink" to them.
I have been behind awesome drivers who zip down the highway. You want to throw a hat tip to their Mario Andretti-like skills. This is another way to "beep beep" at them.
Mark Smith commented
This would prevent Waze from using your speed as an indicator of road congestion, especially if the slow driver turns off the road soon.
I would add a sound effect also, to counter the frustration of being stuck behind a slow driver. :-)
Anonymous commented
Dangerous drivers that are way over the speed limit need to be identified and located.