Trip summary
Can you add a trip summary button to show how long trip took. I enjoy that feature on my regular gps so I can see how long it took each day to get home from work for example.
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Ali Emre Hortacsu commented
this is already implemented in the Google Maps lately. I hope it's not too difficult to port it to Waze..API is I'm sure already there.
Aaron Dalk commented
Seems like an obvious enhancement. Unless it makes your estimation look bad. Please add this.
Greg Govoni commented
I would love if Waze get statistics around my commute. It would be great to know:
1. how long commute actually took
2. the original time estimate
3. How many times I deviated from recommended route
4. What average commute over the week was -
Chris Compo commented
would be awesome to see hours traveled and hours stuck in traffic. This could also be daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly! Could even have hours waze saved you from re directions.
Want to see meager logged daily, weekly and monthly as well as yearly too.
Also need points system back and lead tables
Ryan B commented
After completing a trip it would be fun and helpful to know how Waze did compared to how it thought it was going to do when you started the trip. For example, it could show predicted ETA vs actual arrival time, predicted average MPH vs actual average MPH, and even which areas of the route seemed were especially and surprisingly slow/fast compared to what Waze had predicted at the outset.
Karen W. commented
I really really love waze, the only thing I am missing is an overview map of the route(s)-not just a straight line-to make the best choice. Thank you!
Tamás commented
The best would be to have this automatically. If the next turn is let's say more than 10 or 20 kms ahead, then Waze would automatically switch to overview mode to show the entire route. When the next turn is getting closer then 10, 20 kms Waze would switch back to normal mode. It is very nice on long highway routes where your exit is 200 km away.
If there's speedcam, car on the shoulder or any other alert needed situation is upfront, Waze would switch to normal mode temporarly, than switch back when passed.
iGo has this feature and I simply love it. I would give a 1000 votes to this if I could. :-)
Anonymous commented
Seria interessante mostrar o horário de início do percurso, para saber quanto tempo foi gasto
Anonymous commented
Gostaria que o app gravasse o local em que eu estava quando iniciei o app, ou seja guardar o local de partida quando foi selecionado uma rota, Fez falta hoje para poder voltar la amanha, não sei voltar e não encontrei esta opção.
Ronny commented
It would be nice that i could see every route that i've done, with also the kilometers and the time that it was taken... A sort of archiving system.... Also i will congrats you, WAZE is super !!! Normaly i was driving every day about 102kms, and now around 65 kms !!!! SUPER !!!
Anonymous commented
Dammit why isn't this recommendation higher, id use all of my votes if they could just put this in
Marcus Awazu commented
Datas e horários das pesquisas, assim ficará mais fácil realizar uma busca no histórico.
CLW commented
It would be really great to view drive history.
Ivan Oliveira commented
please add this functionality!
Guy commented
If there was a way to down load all my routes onto a map with dates when driven that would be fantastic.
Anonymous commented
Para motoristas Uber seria interessante mostrar a distâcia percorrida e o tempo transcorrido durante -e depois da viagem
Sherlock McGyver commented
It should also include mileage data. Whenever a user starts an account or at any time they wish to input their current mileage, it could log mileage, as well. Each user would, of course, need to be able to create vehicle profiles that they could select from at the beginning of a trip.
Bill commented
I'd like to know this sort of info also. Specifically:
1. Average, max, min, median commute time
2. A map view showing the various routes I've used to go back and forth from home to work.
2a. On this map you could see the stats in item 1 for each route.
2b. The routes could be color coded with the most common traffic spots.
3. A time of date graph / chart view that would show time of day on the x axis and stats from item on on the y axis
4. You could use info from other Wazers to do interesting things like tell me how many minutes I might save by going at a different time of day. -
Robert Beasley commented
I think the summary should also include planned drive time (at the start of the drive) and the actual drive time (at the end of the drive). I think it would also be great to show the driver's route compliance (e.g. you followed 100% of the planned route).
This information could then be summarized in a monthly email report to the user.
NicolasWaisman commented
You can see them on the Editor. Did you tried that?