Ability to order favorites locations
Every time I add a location to my favorites, it pushes my old ones down. I want the ability to choose to mostly used favorites to show on the top.
Great news! The option to reorder the saved locations in Favorites is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Nathan commented
Already exists
Simply click favourites so they are showing
Click edit in top right corner
Down the right hand side next to each favourite are six dots in two vertical rows
Pres and drag on the six buttons for any favourite to change its order.Happy wazzing!
Tom commented
Let us put in the order of our choosing, not in order of when they were added
Cris Diaz commented
WAZE need a way to fix the order of Favorites and not change it on the fly. WAZE Keeps changing my order.
Tobraham commented
Yes, the feature for ordering your favorites is broken. On Android I have reordered my favorites so many times only to have them shuffled again the every time I open the app.
Paddy Landau commented
Many, many people have asked for the ability to sort Favourites. One of them, with nearly 600 votes, was closed by a Waze Admin as "Now Available".
Well, yes, there is an Edit button, and we can reorder the Favourites, but what on earth is the point when Waze simply later reorders it into a random order?
We didn't ask for this as a sort of game. When we reorder the Favourites, we want it to remain ordered!
Here is the request in question:
https://waze.uservoice.com/forums/59223-waze-suggestion-box/suggestions/3899771-edit-favorites-and-sortingSo, my request is that reasonable requests aren't closed as available when they aren't actually available.
Thank you
Anonymous commented
Why can’t I rearrange my favorites the way I want them listed? I have an iphoneXR if that matters. Thanks
Paddy Landau commented
In my case, "over time" means the next minute! Mine is always randomly reordered.
If Google is going to reorder them without asking, could they at least reorder them alphabetically instead of randomly.
Anonymous commented
Enhance Waze app to remember the order that the user puts the Favorites in. It is so frustrating that they do not stay in that order. Programing can’t be that hard to do. Users have been asking for this for at least 6 years.
Jonathan C commented
I'm using Android and am able to change the order of my Favorites (I can't automatically sort them alphabetically) but I can save then in any order I like...
I'm not sure if this will help some of you but try the following:
View your Favorites, click on the "Edit" button at the top right, use the burger icons to the right of each favouret name to move them in any order you like then click 'done'..
This allows me to save the faviourets list in the order I like... It's not automatic but works for me and hope it might help some of you as well...
Alex commented
Reminder to Waze owners Google. Its the 21st century and favourites are not in alphabetical order.
Lazy programming. -
János Dézsi commented
And this is an ongoing issue. Even a favorit is getting stuck in position 1 before home and work address, and there is no way moving it down. After a while it getting back to place 1.
srsl commented
WOW! No matter how many updates, even the latest and not so greatest, still happens! 3 years and you can't fix this?
Carol Hellickson commented
Yes, absolutely please add this...I beg of you! We beg of you!
George commented
For God's sake, please enhance Waze to "remember" the order that the user imposed on the Favorites list. If you would simply do that, I could easily move new favorites to where I want them in the list when I add them, if only they would stay put!!!
Some users have suggested more expansive list management functionality, like being able, on demand, to sort favorites by different attributes like name, distance, date added or date last used. I understand that this is a more extensive enhancement request requiring the development of many more lines of code to implement.
If cost is an issue, maybe address this request it in 2 phases. Do my proposal first, because it would require much less of a programming effort, then leverage your developer's improved familiarity with the software to implement the flexible sort functionality in a subsequent update.
Thanks for your attention.
Dennis Tillman commented
Give us a way to sort destinations by name or distance or by how frequently we go there.
Esmonde commented
It is a shame that such a good navigation app is lacking of such a basic feature.
Annoyed Wazer commented
So annoying!!!
Spent numerous times sorting Favourites then later the Sort Order goes way out of wack!
Waze may save time getting me to a location, but it wastes my time trying to figure out a Favourite location after it’s random resorting error.
Please fix!!!! -
anonimo commented
Almost 4 years of asking
Asr commented
How is the ability to sort alphabetically still not implemented?
Jonathan commented
The same thing occurs with iOS, please allow the favorites to stay sorted, even after adding a new favorite.
It would also be great if you add the feature to sort alphabetically (or as ChrisC suggests even also by date (Recent) or Distance).