התראה על רוכבי אופניים בשולי הכביש
מתן אפשרות לרוכבי אופניים לרכב עם האפליקציה ולתת דיווחי אמת לנהגים על מיקומם כך נהג רכב יוכל לקבל התראה על רוכב אופנים בשולי הכביש
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Don Dumaine commented
Show a group of cyclists (5+ maybe 10+) as slow moving traffic on the Waze app. Re-route cars to avoid the group of cyclists. This eliminates frustrated drivers expecting open roads and limits the number of cars trying to pass a long line of cyclists on two lane roads.
theHeatingEngineer commented
A no-brainer...!
Anonymous commented
Great idea!
Anonymous commented
Jose Andres commented
Great idea make it work
Lev commented
Approximately 20,000 cyclists are injured each year on the road and about 20% of those accidents result in serious injury or death. Waze can put an end to this by providing drivers with the awareness they need to avoid such tragedies. Bikers, rollerbladers, and street commuters of all types can simply make their gps location available. Waze drivers will then get alerts just like “Car stopped on shoulder ahead” but for bikers and skaters. I have personally had a few close calls with drivers pulling out onto the road and nearly hitting me because they’re instinctively only looking for large vehicles. This is a feature that would definitely gain traction among the biker/rollerblader/skater communities and will save lives.
Lucas commented
I would be nice!!
Waze team could create a alert that shows where is a bike route in order the drive drives carefully.
Anonymous commented
Giuseppe Zampatti commented
Sarebbe utile, durante la navigazione, essere allertati da waze della presenza di pedoni in fase di attraversamento sulle strisce pedonali o di ciclisti sulle intersezioni.
La segnalazione potrebbe pervenire dal sistema Pegaso (www.pegaso.city; www.sistemifutura.it) il quale registra, in un data base centrale, gli eventi di pedoni in attraversamento segnalati in tempo reale da ciascun apparato installato in prossimità delle strisce pedonali o delle intersezioni.
Inoltre ciascun apparato possiede un gps per la sua geolocalizzazione e un sensore che misura la velocità dei veicoli che stanno sopraggiungendo. Quest'ultimo dato, sempre registrato in tempo reale sul medesimo data base , potrebbe fornire ai wazer ulteriori informazioni di rischio collisione con pedoni se la velocità dei veicoli è superiore ad una soglia. In ultimo, in caso di pioggia, Pegaso modifica automaticamente la soglia della velocità di rischio collisione. -
Rafael Daniel Laurindo commented
Portugues: Alerta de bicicleta na beira da estrada
Permitir que os ciclistas andem com o aplicativo e forneçam relatórios reais aos motoristas sobre sua localização, para que um motorista possa ser alertado para um ciclista do lado da estrada
Anonymous commented
רוב הרוכבים משתמשים באפליקציות מעקב כמו strava, אז שיתוף פעולה איתם יאפשר לקבל את המיקום המדוייק של הרוכבים ולהציג אותו לנהגים בזמן אמת
עומר לאון commented
חשוב מאוד ויוכל להציל הרבה חיים ומשפחות
Anonymous commented
hello I would like to know if at the time of signaling dangers cyclists are not included. I live in mallorca and the whole year is full of cyclists
Anonymous commented
hello I would like to know if at the time of signaling dangers cyclists are not included. I live in mallorca and the whole year is full of cyclists
Fran Sanchez Bocanegra commented
Hola, un grupo de alumnos y profesores de nuestro instituto están desarrollando un sistema de posicionamiento para ciclistas, pensamos que puede interesarles darnos soporte para que su navegador avise de ciclistas en la dirección del vehículo que use su navegador.
Si están interesados contacten con nosotros CIPFP Canastell, 697561456, Es un proyecto educativo con alumnos de Formación Profesional.
Susan Phillips commented
Please help all that is concern
nani blechner commented
רעיון מעולה
Shimon masuri commented
Good idea.
Benny commented
בתור רוכב אופנים, אני חושב שזה גאוני ונחוץ.
הייתי מוסיף תרגום אנגלי לבקשה. -
Anonymous commented
רעיון מצויין