התראה על רוכבי אופניים בשולי הכביש
מתן אפשרות לרוכבי אופניים לרכב עם האפליקציה ולתת דיווחי אמת לנהגים על מיקומם כך נהג רכב יוכל לקבל התראה על רוכב אופנים בשולי הכביש
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Merlin commented
Allowing cyclists to ride with the app and give real reports to drivers about their location so that a driver can be alerted to a cyclist on the side of the road.
I don't think Waze was intended to be a cyclist warning system. This would needlessly complicate Waze, with little to no increase in cyclist safety. IMHO - a Bad idea. -
Anonymous commented
YES! This would be especially helpful on rural highways and 2 lane highways, where people often drive faster than sight lines/passing room allows
Jason commented
Genius idea!
Angela Jones commented
Sounds like a great idea!!!
Ryan McCarthy commented
Great idea
Bill kageorge commented
This is so smart
randyjcress commented
great idea Eric. Should be easy to implement and a great collaboration project between Waze and Strava!
Herschel DeCouto commented
Also would like to see ridewithgps integration.
Herschel DeCouto commented
Yes, would like to see Waze alert so motorists know there are cyclists ahead.
Anonymous commented
Great idea. Waze can use the heatmap info from Strava to mark areas where drivers are highly likely to see cyclists. Seems like this would be possible quickly and easily. Real time data would be a little more difficult but certainly not impossible.
Anonymous commented
Great idea! I use waze for so many of my trips, I would really appreciate this!
Anonymous commented
This dreaming but sure wish it was possible.
Anonymous commented
Great idea!!!
Jake Korving commented
Agreed. Not easy, but worth it.
Anonymous commented
Not sure how the driver would become alerted, but good idea!
Eric Phillips commented
Or use realtime data from apps like strava or mapmyride.
Eric Phillips commented
As a cyclist I would love to see a feature in which drivers are alerted of cyclists in advance using real time data from other apps like strava, endomondo or mapmyride.
Anonymous commented
כרוכה, אשמח לדעת שוויז תאמץ את הרעיון.
Anonymous commented
Zippora commented
Good idea