waze for windows phone 10
Waze was originally build by an Israeli startup and I know you paid approximately $ 3 Billion to buy the App, before the App was bought the app had a great windows phone app updates, I understand windows phone is a small community of users as compared to your monopolized market share of so called ANDROID. however why are you so scared to release new versions on Windows phone platform? you already have beaten Microsoft and you win but show some courtesy to the waze fans who use windows phone OS and they also deserve an latest version. you don't support Active-sync, you don't support miracast on Chromecast for windows phone and IE, you don't care for google maps on windows phone. whats up with you? are you thinking that by capturing market share you are the GOD? this is fucking 21st century so have some corporate respect and create those apps for windows phone, don't give a bull shit reason of lower market share.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
It is not working properly on Win OS. The messages can not be readed and exit all the time. I updated my phone, reinstalled it but the issue doesn't resolved.
So, pls figure out something. -
Eric Schwarzkopf commented
Just noticed Arnold Schwarzenegger (The Terminator) is providing his voice to Waze as an optional voice for navigation, but when I go into the Waze app setting on my Windows 8 phone, I'm not given any voice options to select different voices. Would really like this option to come to Windows 8 version.
Anonymous commented
Any update on this request?
Anonymous commented
Yes please! We need it!
Anonymous commented
Please update! Don't be corporate b!tch3s!
Michael commented
I agree. Please support Win 8 phone users.
Anonymous commented
google, people hate you and are rooting for you to fail. congratulations on becoming the new tone-deaf evil empire of tech.
Anonymous commented
really needs update. doese,t connect to facebook
Mike commented
As a Windows Phone owner and Waze user from the beginning. I offer my support to this quest of appealing to Waze to bring back support. Surely, there was never a thought in your pre-Google days to not support a segment of the tech populous.
Anonymous commented
If not new features, at least fix the "recalculating route...", "sending..." overlays that stays stuck on screen. As is, we have to hit back, then cancel, every time we decide to take another route or send any kind of report.
Makes the app not so usable. -
Anonymous commented
Waiting impatiently.
Massis commented
Agreed. Waze is an amazing service, and the WP app doesn't reflect its awesomeness. Besides, WP community is increasing and it would be a shame NOT to take benefit from the feedback of WP drivers to fertilise the service you provide.
Oh, and if it's a Google policy, Opera (Google owned as well) is bringing its browser to WP, so this argument is not relevant :) -
Anonymous commented
Agreed. Waze rocks. I used it on an Android device, and it's unbelievably good. The same app on Windows Phone lacks many of the features (eg. landscape mode), and eats battery at an unbelievable pace. Please continue investment in this area. You've got a lot of fans on Windows Phone.
Manuel Pineda commented
We need an update that puts Waze for WP 8.1 on pair with other platforms.
capthss commented
Landscape mode should not be something we need to request, it should have been built from the start, its too a basic and simple requirement to enhance the waze experience.
Windows Phone 8.1 -
Anonymous commented
I have two phones an Android for work and a Lumia 928 for personal use. Please update the windows version so I can use my waze as easily on windows as I do on Android. I am begging for an upgrade and would even volunteer for beta testing. Thanks Doug V.
Elizabeth commented
Windows Phone App is not being updated in parity with iOS and Android platforms. Let's get some DEV time for Windows version releases.
Anonymous commented
Waze works awfull on WP8 and doesn't have many features. It's like a raw beta version and developers forgot about WP users.
Kristen commented
Yes, PLEASE!!! Especially before Burning Man :D
Anonymous commented
Make compatible with windows phone please.just switched over from Android