waze for windows phone 10
Waze was originally build by an Israeli startup and I know you paid approximately $ 3 Billion to buy the App, before the App was bought the app had a great windows phone app updates, I understand windows phone is a small community of users as compared to your monopolized market share of so called ANDROID. however why are you so scared to release new versions on Windows phone platform? you already have beaten Microsoft and you win but show some courtesy to the waze fans who use windows phone OS and they also deserve an latest version. you don't support Active-sync, you don't support miracast on Chromecast for windows phone and IE, you don't care for google maps on windows phone. whats up with you? are you thinking that by capturing market share you are the GOD? this is fucking 21st century so have some corporate respect and create those apps for windows phone, don't give a bull shit reason of lower market share.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Max commented
Could you create an update for Waze users on Windows Phone ?? The last one was released in 2014... Please make an effort !
Hristo Karagyozov commented
Windows 10 is the future of the smartphones, so please make a new version for this OS.
yoram commented
we want waze toooooo...
WP users
Anonymous commented
Update Windows Phone App. It would be very good to have universal waze app on my laptop and my phone. Current app is buggy . I can't even download voice guids. Still don't see patrol stations on map, and moving map is terible. Windows Phone OS mb is small community but growing, and universal app would give you a lot of new users.
Anonymous commented
Google! Please give me WAZE back! I already give you so much data of mine. Don't be a @&$ߤ#!
Harold commented
How can I set Waze as my default navigation app on my Windows 10 Phone?
Beth commented
You are my most used, most trusted app, and I have traveled the country with you, flawlessly, even in Hawaii. I am so impressed by you, and love you, and will not go to a Windows phone till you do.
Jerome Rousset commented
Waze fonctionne sur W10M , mais c est une vielle version (avant la maj des zones de danger :) ) , pas de rotation ecran, pas d ETA a partager avec sa communauté , pas de guidage vocal .....
a quand une maj ? -
Murilo commented
Poderia ser um pouco mais fluido e mais preciso
Nathan commented
Hey guys. Stick up for your users and say "screw you!" to your Google overlords. You used to support us Windows phone users, but it has been a long time since you have released even a bug-fixing update. Please help us out. I use Waze 8 - 10 times a week on my Lumia 950 XL (Windows 10 mobile) and would love to see you adding features and giving us a better app.
I get it. Google lives by their mantra of "be evil" and they despise Microsoft and Windows. Be better than they are! Be the bigger man! Help us out here.
Nathan commented
Hey guys, we get that Google bought you. We also get that Google is a bunch of a**holes who hate Windows and Windows phone. But please, I use Waze for my commute every day and would love to see you start adding new features to it. Screw your Google overlords and their motto of being evil. Do the right thing by your users.
anthony commented
Il faut rendre compatible waze avec windows phone. Si les wp ne représentent pas grand chose sur le marché w10 a sincèrement de bon arguments pour avoir sa place. Apres avoir essayé tous les OS WP10 répond parfaitement a mes attentes et j y resterai. Microsoft diffuse en ce moment un programme aux étudiants pour le développement d applications mobiles compatibles sur tous les os mobile...Les développeurs vont s y mettre alors pourquoi pas waze.
Angelika commented
waze für WP hängt schon sehr lange hinterher, hier muss dringend Abhilfe geschaffen werden! Wir benötigen updates für alle WP-OS!
Richard Knight commented
now add all the functionality please!
Richard Knight commented
Great app so why not share all the features with all the users?
Anne Dijkstra commented
Waze is fantastic.. But please upgrade the Windows Phone version!!
José Carlos commented
Formerly beloved and admired Google os becoming a hated company because of its behavior. A shame...
Luiz Carlos Dias commented
Uso Waze a um bom tempo. Gosto do aplicativo. me ajudou muitas vezes e...do nada vcs pararam de fazer versão para o windows fone. Achei um desrespeito com os usuários dessa plataforma. Seria melhor nem ter começado então.
Iulian commented
Waze for Windows 10
Van commented
I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. When I heard from a friend that you guys were doing some awesome things with your app(like have C3-P0 as a nav. voice) I couldn't wait to download it. However, because I have a windows phone I am currently not able to access the feature. Even the website for the Star Wars content neglected to show how to access it on windows devises. If you could fix that I'm sure that hundreds of thousands of windows users would be grateful. Thank you.