waze for windows phone 10
Waze was originally build by an Israeli startup and I know you paid approximately $ 3 Billion to buy the App, before the App was bought the app had a great windows phone app updates, I understand windows phone is a small community of users as compared to your monopolized market share of so called ANDROID. however why are you so scared to release new versions on Windows phone platform? you already have beaten Microsoft and you win but show some courtesy to the waze fans who use windows phone OS and they also deserve an latest version. you don't support Active-sync, you don't support miracast on Chromecast for windows phone and IE, you don't care for google maps on windows phone. whats up with you? are you thinking that by capturing market share you are the GOD? this is fucking 21st century so have some corporate respect and create those apps for windows phone, don't give a bull shit reason of lower market share.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
FFManiac commented
Il serait bon d'enfin mettre à jour cette application. La version actuelle est vraiment buggué à fond. La navigation vocale ne se fait pas, des pubs qui s'affiche super mal bloquant la vue de la carte etc...
Carlos commented
We are all wainting for a Waze update in windows mobile. I do not understand the way google is acting with the ms plateform.
warenbe commented
Waze for Windows phone is missing updates !
We all know that you are focused on Android and IOS, but updating Waze for Windows phone can also be done sometimes...
Please, update.
Anonymous commented
Port iPhone app into Windows phone 10
Luis Pereira commented
Hi to you all. Even that its understandble that you dont want to invest in the windows phone in the past, now it seems to be logical for you to step in and update it. Microsoft with the windows 10 will make the phone\pc plataform work together as one. So taking that in consideration the windows market share should be viewed a little bit more globally. And why now? windows 10 for pc is out and soon windows 10 mobile will be online too, making the platform a lot more interesting. Question. Wouldnt you like to be the nr 1 GPS app for Windows 10\windows 10 mobile?. if so.. you have to be there first. You have the knowledge, you have a working formula and you soon have all the windows users looking for a dynamic GPS app like yours... Think about it..
s. casale commented
Please update Waze for Window phone users.
Anonymous commented
we need landscape mode pls. wm 10 is comin out soon and hope you can release an updated app with this upgrade pls
taz-45 commented
Waze est une appli géniale merci d en tenir compte pour les utilisateurs Windows phone car l appli est encore pas au top de ses capacités!!! Merci d avance
Jerome Rousset commented
Please do not remove Waze from Windows phone platform .... we use Waze, we need waze , and we don't want to go back to Android or ios .
Anonymous commented
Tank you to remove waze pls
Syl20 commented
merci de rendre waze compatible avec windows phone
Anonymous commented
merci de rendre waze compatible avec windows phone merci
Thibaud Hirschinger commented
Yeah plz we love u Waze dont forget us
Sean K commented
"Not optimized for Windows Phone" shouldn't mean we're going to make a change that bricks the WP platform and dead ends the user on previously working bits with no warning
Leandro Grião Barbosa commented
I want them all to go fuck , I will not be begging to be able to use their services . I live very well without it.
Simonrdz commented
Je suis en france et utilise Waze depuis des années (Android au départ). Mais Windows Phone est et restera mon OS au quotidien désormais, Windows 10 répondant de plus en plus à mes attentes je ne reviendrai pas en arrière.
La SEULE chose qui me manque c'est WAZE car l'application n'est pas au niveau de ce que proposent les autres plateformes.
Merci d'en tenir compte, même si effectivement les part de marchés sont faibles. On ne peut cependant pas ignorer le fait que l'OS est jeune, et que Windows 10 a toutes ses chance pour percer davantage.Peut être une intégration via le projet Astoria ? il faudrait voir. Mais vraiment, ce serait bien que tous puissent en profiter avec la même expérience utilisateur.
sebull commented
we need it
Anonymous commented
The app keeps crashing. I know that not many Windows users using Waze, but I got no time to change phone again!
David Pratt commented
Seriously! Where's the love! I've been a user, contributor, and promoter for years. Now I can't even run the app!
GE commented
j'étais un fanitique de Waze depuis dès années mais depuis que j'ai un windows phone (Lumia 640 XL) je ne l'utilise plus car la version est pleine de buggs. De plus, elle n'a pas toutes les fonctions que sur Android.
SVP faite une mise à jour de Waze pour Windows.