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229 results found

  1. Alerta de farois ligados em rodovias

    Com a nova lei no Brasil que obriga o farol baixo nas estradas ainda que de dia, o waze poderia emitir um alerta para confirmar que os faróis estão acesos sempre que acessar uma rodovia.
    Noticia da lei:

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  2. Turn on the lights alert.

    In Brazil, even during the day it's mandatory to turn on the car lights when we drive in a route (highway).

    It would be very helpful there was an alert reminding us to do it each time we start driving on a highway.

    (No Brasil, mesmo durante o dia é obrigatório ligar os faróis ao dirigir numa estrada.
    Seria muito útil se houvesse um aviso lembrando de fazer isso cada vez em que começamos a dirigir numa rodovia.

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  3. 70 votes

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    Now available  ·  krankyd responded

    while we still need to improve this a bit (work on special scenarios that involve ramps and other special road types), the issue should be fixed. If you still notice problems with it, please writ to

  4. purple route line hides traffic

    When in navigation mode the purple route line hides the yellow and red lines showing traffic congestion. This discourages me from using the navigation. There could be an option to turn the purple line on/off just like there is an option to turn voice commands on/off

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  5. Force Reroute Button

    Many times i can see that the freeway/higway I´m about to enter is slow moving, and waze wants to route me into that sometimes even if there is reported trafficjams/heavy traffic etc on that road. A button on screen or easy accesssible (poosibly instead of the bulldozer) to force an alternative route would really help

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    Now available  ·  krankyd responded

    Available on version 2.2 and on. To reroute, click on the green bar (after starting the route).
    One of the options is to recalculate the route, i.e. force a reroute.

  6. I want to report hazards & closures even after i drove past it. like hold my finger on a location and report there.

    I like to report things but by the time i open my waze app, i already drove a few blocks. And waze doesn't let me report anything 3 blocks back. Why can't I click on the map and pick the exact location?

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  7. Soporte para la navegación - Pico y Placa en Lima, Perú

    Estimados Waze,
    En vista de la implementación en Lima, Peru, del sistema Pico y Placa (avenidas restringidas en ciertos horarios y dias de la semana, segun el numero de placa), recomiendo que se implemente en el aplicativo una opción para indicar si la placa del auto es par o impar, y segun eso, se evite recomendar rutas que vayan por las avenidas restringidas, durante el horario / día en que corresponda.

    Muchas gracias!!

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may know, Waze already takes license plate restrictions into account, in many parts of the world. To enable this feature, add your license plate details under Settings > Car details > License plate.

  8. send destination or itinerary from computer to phone

    Hi! It would be nice to send itinerary or destination from a web brower on a computer directly to the Waze app. A Great way would be through the "share menu" extension built in OSX.

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  9. Tarifs moyens des trajets

    nous avons systématiquement plusieurs itinéraires possibles, parfois certains ayant un temps similaire voir identiques. Il pourrait être intéressant de mettre en avant les tarifs des péages ainsi parfois entre 2 trajets de 45 minutes entre le 1er faisant prendre 3 péage pour un total par exemple de 10€ et l'autre trajets avec un seul péage a 3€ cela évite des frais inutile. ou même parfois il est peut être intéressant de rallonger de 5 minute si cela évite un péage coûteux. Waze pourrait se servir des données que nous lui transmettons sur notre type de véhicule et carburant comme le…

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  10. 한국어 Korean Voice Language for navigation

    Waze is among growing & popular daily navigation application among Korean community. Is there are plan for the support for the language?
    Google maps is already supporting it.

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  11. Add classical language Tamil to get more wazeians in India, Singapore,Malaysia, Canada, France, German and britain

    Add classical language Tamil to get more wazeians in India, Singapore,Malaysia, Canada, France, German and britain. Tamil is one of the language which is spoken around 85 countries with considerable population. Consider and make more wamilains (wazeians + tamilians)

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  12. Express Lanes - Avoid Express Lanes option

    A nice feature would be a setting to avoid Express Lanes, like the ones on I95 (I-95) that require the EZ-Pass. Currently the only way to do this is to enable "Avoid Toll Roads." However this makes my route avoid the tunnel or bridge that I DO want to use. Avoiding the tunnel or bridge would add 20 or more minutes to my drive.
    Basically, separate out the luxury Express Lanes from toll roads and create another setting for them.
    Thank you.

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    Thank you for your suggestion! As you may know, Waze offers HOV routing for taxis. To change your vehicle type go to Settings > Vehicle type. There are currently no plans to add more HOV options.

  13. Taxi Features / Funcionalidades para taxis

    Develop options for taxi navigation such as:
    - Routes that have exclusive lanes of taxi use;
    - Proposed destination by proximity that has a shorter travel time for the passenger to end their route by walking. For example, if the navigation can determine that a point of up to 300 meters (parameter) of the destination will significantly reduce the travel time, this can be given as an option to the passenger.

    Desenvolver opções para navegação de taxis como:
    - Rotas que possuem faixas exclusivas de uso de taxi;
    - Proposta de destino por proximidade que tenha um tempo de percurso…

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  14. Gostaria que o Waze indicasse nos mapas as praças de pedagio informando os preços. Seria interessante também informar ao usuário o total ga

    Gostaria que o Waze indicasse nos mapas as praças de pedagio informando os preços.
    Seria interessante também informar ao usuário o total gasto com pedagios ao traçar uma rota.

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  15. WAZE to avoid ULEZ zones - type in your vehicle reg before travel?

    In April 2019 central London areas operate a 24/7 charge for vehicles which don't pass the ultra low emissions zone. This is the same boundaries as the congestion charge. This is in effect a toll. The only way I can see WAZE controlling this is that the driver must enter their reg that they are driving so that WAZE knows to avoid this toll. My car for example will fall short of the ULEZ, whereas my girlfriends will not so it is dependent on what you drive. Will WAZE build this into their app as a way of avoiding this…

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    Great news! The feature to avoid ULEZ is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.

  16. Change "Avoid Highways" to "Avoid Freeways"

    The current "Avoid Highways" preference in the client is essentially useless because it includes even "Minor Highways" which is poorly defined. The category includes even very small country roads that happen to be designated State highways - hardly in the same category as freeways and therefore not useful as a routing distinction.

    On the other hand, "Avoid Highways" is a very useful option for users who would like to use the Waze route optimization features, but without the stress and other factors that come with Freeway driving.

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  17. GNV

    1° considerar GNV nos combustíveis,
    2° voltar c/os nomes das ruas no mapa.

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    Now available  ·  1 comment  ·  Navigation  ·  Admin →
  18. Road width restrictions

    In Europe we often get width restrictions on certain roads. This could be added at Map edit level and integrated with navigation route planning and would need a new set of parameters in the vehicle details/settings that would determine if your vehicle can actually take advantage of routes which have width restrictions!!

    i have been caught out several times in an oversize vehicle before!!

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  19. Routes should default to Map View instead of List View

    Upon setting a destination and clicking Routes, I would like the default view to be Maps instead of List. Please make this an option.

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  20. Add option to avoid toll roads in certain countries

    If a route spans across multiple countries, it would be nice to be able to tell Waze that I would like to avoid tolls in specific countries. For example if my route goes via three countries, I would like to avoid toll roads in Country 2 only, but still use them in Country 1 and Country 3.

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    Now available  ·  2 comments  ·  Navigation  ·  Admin →
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